// ac2pic: NOOOOO YOU CAN'T JUST PUT EVERYTHING IN POSTSTART/MAIN // dmitmel: haha text editor go brrrr export {}; ig.input.bind(ig.KEY.J, 'aim'); ig.input.bind(ig.KEY.K, 'dash'); function findRootGuiElement(clazz) { return ig.gui.guiHooks.find(({ gui }) => gui instanceof clazz).gui; } const quickMenu = findRootGuiElement(sc.QuickMenu); const myAddon = { name: 'btw I use Arch addon', onPostUpdate() { if (ig.loading || sc.model.isPlayerControlBlocked()) return; if (ig.input.pressed('btw-i-use-arch.open-map-menu')) { if ( sc.model.isGame() && sc.model.isMenu() && sc.menu.currentMenu === sc.MENU_SUBMENU.MAP && // check if the help screen or a dialog isn't opened, otherwise it will // block the screen after switching back to the game ig.interact.entries.last() === sc.menu.buttonInteract ) { closeMapMenu(); sc.BUTTON_SOUND.back.play(); } else if ( sc.model.isGame() && sc.model.isRunning() && // check if the quick menu has been unlocked yet, the map menu becomes // available at the same moment sc.model.player.getCore(sc.PLAYER_CORE.QUICK_MENU) ) { let openedMapMenu = openMapMenu(); sc.BUTTON_SOUND[openedMapMenu ? 'submit' : 'denied'].play(); } } }, }; ig.ENTITY.Crosshair.inject({ // Normally the `this._getThrowerPos` method is used to calculate where the // balls are thrown _from_ in almost screen coordinates, but we can repurpose // it to calculate where the balls should be thrown _at_ to hit an entity. _getThrowPosForEntity(outVec2, entity) { let realThrower = this.thrower; try { this.thrower = entity; return this._getThrowerPos(outVec2); } finally { this.thrower = realThrower; } }, }); // these two constants will come in handy later, see `focusNextEntity` const ENTITY_FOCUS_DIRECTION = { FARTHER: 1, CLOSER: -1, }; // buffer vectors for calculations let vec2a = Vec2.create(); let vec2b = Vec2.create(); sc.PlayerCrossHairController.inject({ focusedEntity: null, prevMousePos: Vec2.createC(-1, -1), updatePos(...args) { // gamepad mode is unsupported because I don't have one to test this code on if (this.gamepadMode) { this.parent(...args); return; } let [crosshair] = args; // focus the next available entity if this combatant is e.g. dead if ( this.focusedEntity != null && !this.shouldEntityBeFocused(this.focusedEntity) ) { this.focusNextEntity(crosshair, ENTITY_FOCUS_DIRECTION.CLOSER); } let mouseX = sc.control.getMouseX(); let mouseY = sc.control.getMouseY(); if ( this.focusedEntity != null && // unfocus if the mouse has been moved (this.prevMousePos.x !== mouseX || this.prevMousePos.y !== mouseY) ) { this.focusedEntity = null; } Vec2.assignC(this.prevMousePos, mouseX, mouseY); // handle controls let pressedFocusCloser = ig.input.pressed('circle-left'); let pressedFocusFarther = ig.input.pressed('circle-right'); if (pressedFocusCloser) { this.focusNextEntity(crosshair, ENTITY_FOCUS_DIRECTION.CLOSER); } if (pressedFocusFarther) { this.focusNextEntity(crosshair, ENTITY_FOCUS_DIRECTION.FARTHER); } if ( (pressedFocusCloser || pressedFocusFarther) && this.focusedEntity == null ) { sc.BUTTON_SOUND.denied.play(); } if (this.focusedEntity != null) { this.calculateCrosshairPos(crosshair); } else { this.parent(...args); } }, focusNextEntity(crosshair, direction) { let throwerPos = crosshair._getThrowerPos(vec2a); function getSqrDistToEntity(entity) { let entityPos = crosshair._getThrowPosForEntity(vec2b, entity); return Vec2.squareDistance(throwerPos, entityPos); } let prevFocusedEntity = this.focusedEntity; let prevFocusedSqrDist = prevFocusedEntity != null ? getSqrDistToEntity(prevFocusedEntity) : null; this.focusedEntity = null; let closestNextEntitySqrDist = null; for (let entity of this.findFocusingCandidateEntities()) { if (entity === prevFocusedEntity) continue; let sqrDist = getSqrDistToEntity(entity); if ( // multiplication by `dirFactor` effectively inverts the comparison // operator when it is negative, otherwise logically the expression // stays the same (prevFocusedSqrDist == null || sqrDist * direction > prevFocusedSqrDist * direction) && (closestNextEntitySqrDist == null || sqrDist * direction < closestNextEntitySqrDist * direction) ) { closestNextEntitySqrDist = sqrDist; this.focusedEntity = entity; } } }, shouldEntityBeFocused(combatant) { return ( !combatant.isDefeated() && // `sc.ENEMY_AGGRESSION.TEMP_THREAT` exists, but to be honest I have no // idea what it is supposed to do combatant.aggression === sc.ENEMY_AGGRESSION.THREAT ); }, findFocusingCandidateEntities() { let allCombatants = sc.combat.activeCombatants[sc.COMBATANT_PARTY.ENEMY]; let candidates = allCombatants.filter((enemy) => this.shouldEntityBeFocused(enemy), ); if (candidates.length === 0) { candidates = ig.game.shownEntities.filter( (entity) => entity != null && !entity._killed && entity instanceof ig.ENTITY.Enemy && ig.CollTools.isInScreen(entity.coll) && this.shouldEntityBeFocused(entity), ); } return candidates; }, calculateCrosshairPos(crosshair) { let { thrower } = crosshair; let throwerPos = crosshair._getThrowerPos(vec2a); let entityPos = crosshair._getThrowPosForEntity(vec2b, this.focusedEntity); let entityVel = this.focusedEntity.coll.vel; let ballInfo = sc.PlayerConfig.getElementBall( thrower, thrower.model.currentElementMode, // NOTE: This causes glitches when the ball speed affects the crosshair // position too much, in which case it begins jumping back and forth // because the charged status is reset due to the movement. I hope this // isn't to much of a problem. crosshair.isThrowCharged(), ); let ballSpeed = ballInfo.data.speed; let crosshairPos = crosshair.coll.pos; Vec2.assign(crosshairPos, entityPos); // perform entity movement prediction repeatedly to increase the precision for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { let t = Vec2.distance(throwerPos, crosshairPos) / ballSpeed; crosshairPos.x = entityPos.x + Math.round(entityVel.x) * t; crosshairPos.y = entityPos.y + Math.round(entityVel.y) * t; } }, }); function openMapMenu() { // Check for the common conditions upfront, because opening and then // immediately closing the quick menu causes the element indicator in the top // left corner to jump, which is, of course, undesirable. Other conditions may // be present implicitly or added explicitely in the future, but these two are // the obvious ones I could find. if (!sc.model.isSaveAllowed() || sc.model.isTeleportBlocked()) return false; // User's actions required in order to open the map need to be carefully // emulated here instead of directly calling methods of `sc.model` and // `sc.menu` because of the model notifications sent during the intended user // interaction path (which trigger changes to the UI all over the codebase) // and potential (although unlikely) changes to the internals of the methods // I'm using here. Also, I chose to use the quick menu instead of the main one // because the main one is unlocked at the end of the rhombus dungeon which is // a bit later than the quick one and the map menu in particular both become // available. let enteredQuickMenu = sc.model.enterQuickMenu(); if (!enteredQuickMenu) return false; // I wonder why this variable isn't set internally by `enteredQuickMenu`, but // I have to do this here because not doing that creates a very annoying bug // when the quick menu access method is set to "hold": the quick menu becomes // impossible to close by pressing shift and to close it you have to open and // close the map menu again manually. sc.quickmodel.activeState = true; let quickRingMenu = quickMenu.ringmenu; let mapButton = quickRingMenu.map; if (!mapButton.active) { // some additional conditions may be present as noted above, so in the case // the button intended to be pressed by user is inactive we bail out safely sc.quickmodel.activeState = false; sc.model.enterRunning(); return false; } // And finally, press the "map" button! quickRingMenu.buttongroup._invokePressCallbacks( mapButton, /* fromMouse */ false, ); return true; } function closeMapMenu() { // Let's exit the world map just in case, for the same reason as I emulate // user interactions in the `openMapMenu` function. if (sc.menu.mapWorldmapActive) sc.menu.exitWorldMap(); sc.model.enterPrevSubState(); } { let globalInputAddonIdx = ig.game.addons.postUpdate.findIndex( (addon) => addon instanceof sc.GlobalInput, ); console.assert(globalInputAddonIdx >= 0, 'inputPostUpdateIdx >= 0'); ig.game.addons.postUpdate.splice(globalInputAddonIdx + 1, 0, myAddon); }