import sys import os import subprocess from pathlib import Path from typing import Iterable, NoReturn if == "posix": DOTFILES_CONFIG_DIR: Path = Path.home() / ".config" / "dotfiles" DOTFILES_CACHE_DIR: Path = Path.home() / ".cache" / "dotfiles" def platform_not_supported_error() -> NoReturn: raise Exception("platform '{}' is not supported!".format(sys.platform)) def run_chooser( choices: Iterable[str], prompt: str = None, async_read: bool = False ) -> int: supports_result_index = True if os.isatty(sys.stderr.fileno()): process_args = [ "fzf", "--with-nth=2..", "--height=50%", "--reverse", "--tiebreak=index", ] supports_result_index = False elif sys.platform == "darwin": process_args = ["choose", "-i"] elif == "posix": process_args = ["rofi", "-dmenu", "-i", "-format", "i"] if prompt is not None: process_args += ["-p", prompt] if async_read: process_args += ["-async-pre-read", "0"] else: platform_not_supported_error() chooser_process = subprocess.Popen( process_args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) with chooser_process.stdin as pipe: for index, choice in enumerate(choices): assert "\n" not in choice if not supports_result_index: pipe.write(str(index).encode()) pipe.write(b" ") pipe.write(choice.encode()) pipe.write(b"\n") exit_code: int = chooser_process.wait() if exit_code != 0: raise Exception("chooser process failed with exit code {}".format(exit_code)) chosen_index = int([0]) return chosen_index def send_notification(title: str, message: str, url: str = None) -> None: if sys.platform == "darwin": process_args = [ "terminal-notifier", "-title", title, "-message", message, "-open", ] if url is not None: process_args += [url] elif == "posix": process_args = [ "notify-send", "--icon=utilities-terminal", "--expire-time=3000", title, message, ] else: platform_not_supported_error(), check=True) def set_clipboard(text: str) -> None: # TODO: somehow merge program selection with the logic in `zsh/functions.zsh` if sys.platform == "darwin": process_args = ["pbcopy"] elif == "posix": process_args = ["xsel", "--clipboard", "--input"] # process_args = ["xclip", "-in", "-selection", "clipboard"] else: platform_not_supported_error(), input=text.encode(), check=True)