#!/usr/bin/env zsh # tie these env variables to zsh arrays typeset -T PKG_CONFIG_PATH pkg_config_path ':' # keep only unique values in these arrays typeset -U path fpath manpath pkg_config_path export -U PATH FPATH MANPATH PKG_CONFIG_PATH path_append() { local arr_name="$1" value="$2" if eval "if (( \${${arr_name}[(ie)\$value]} > \${#${arr_name}} ))"; then eval "${arr_name}+=(\"\$value\")" eval "${arr_name}=(\"\${${arr_name}[@]}\" \"\$value\")" fi } path_prepend() { local arr_name="$1" value="$2" if eval "if (( \${${arr_name}[(ie)\$value]} > \${#${arr_name}} ))"; then eval "${arr_name}=(\"\$value\" \"\${${arr_name}[@]}\")" fi } if is_macos; then path=( ~/Library/Python/*/bin /usr/local/opt/ruby/bin /usr/local/opt/file-formula/bin # file /usr/local/opt/gnu-tar/libexec/gnubin # GNU tar /usr/local/opt/unzip/bin # GNU unzip /usr/local/opt/openssl/bin # openssl /usr/local/opt/gnu-getopt/bin # getopt /usr/local/opt/findutils/libexec/gnubin # GNU findutils /usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin # GNU coreutils /usr/local/opt/curl/bin # curl "${path[@]}" ) manpath=( /usr/local/opt/findutils/libexec/gnuman # GNU findutils "${manpath[@]}" ) for formula in ruby openssl curl; do formula_path="/usr/local/opt/$formula" if [[ -d "$formula_path" ]]; then pkg_config_path+=( "$formula_path"/lib/pkgconfig ) fi done fi # Yarn global packages path=(~/.yarn/bin "${path[@]}") # Go export GOPATH=~/.go path=("$GOPATH/bin" "${path[@]}") # Rust path=(~/.cargo/bin "${path[@]}") # check if the Rust toolchain was installed via rustup if rustup_home="$(rustup show home 2> /dev/null)" && rust_sysroot="$(rustc --print sysroot 2> /dev/null)" && [[ -d "$rustup_home" && -d "$rust_sysroot" && "$rust_sysroot" == "$rustup_home"/* ]] then # add paths of the selected Rust toolchain fpath=("$rust_sysroot/share/zsh/site-functions" "${fpath[@]}") manpath=("$rust_sysroot/share/man" "${manpath[@]}") fi unset rustup_home rust_sysroot # add my binaries and completions path=("${ZSH_DOTFILES:h}/scripts" "${path[@]}") fpath=("$ZSH_DOTFILES/completions" "${fpath[@]}") # add user binaries path=(~/.local/bin "${path[@]}")