#!/usr/bin/env zsh count() { print -r -- "$#"; } bytecount() { wc -c "$@" | numfmt --to=iec-i; } mkcd() { mkdir -p "$@" && cd "${@[-1]}"; } # Re-added from: # https://github.com/dmitmel/dotfiles/blob/16f0a1cf32ec97355da2e17de1c4bb458431767b/zsh/functions.zsh#L19 source_if_exists() { [[ -f "$1" ]] && source "$1" } silence() { $1 &>/dev/null } viscd() { setopt local_options err_return local temp_file chosen_dir temp_file="$(mktemp -t ranger_cd.XXXXXXXXXX)" { ranger --choosedir="$temp_file" -- "${@:-$PWD}" if chosen_dir="$(<"$temp_file")" && [[ -n "$chosen_dir" && "$chosen_dir" != "$PWD" ]]; then cd -- "$chosen_dir" fi } always { rm -f -- "$temp_file" } } command_exists() { command -v "$1" &>/dev/null; } lazy_load() { local command="$1" local init_command="$2" eval "$command() { unfunction $command $init_command $command \$@ }" } if (( ! _is_macos )); then if (( _is_android )); then open_cmd='termux-open' elif command_exists xdg-open; then open_cmd='nohup xdg-open &> /dev/null' else open_cmd='print >&2 -r -- "open: Platform $OSTYPE is not supported"; return 1' fi eval "open(){local f; for f in \"\$@\"; do $open_cmd \"\$f\"; done;}" unset open_cmd fi if (( _is_macos )); then copy_cmd='pbcopy' paste_cmd='pbpaste' elif command_exists xclip; then copy_cmd='xclip -in -selection clipboard' paste_cmd='xclip -out -selection clipboard' elif command_exists xsel; then copy_cmd='xsel --clipboard --input' paste_cmd='xsel --clipboard --output' elif command_exists termux-clipboard-set && command_exists termux-clipboard-get; then copy_cmd='termux-clipboard-set' paste_cmd='termux-clipboard-get' else error_msg='Platform $OSTYPE is not supported' copy_cmd='print >&2 -r -- "clipcopy: '"$error_msg"'"; return 1' paste_cmd='print >&2 -r -- "clippaste: '"$error_msg"'"; return 1' unset error_msg fi eval "clipcopy() { $copy_cmd; }; clippaste() { $paste_cmd; }" unset copy_cmd paste_cmd # for compatibility with Oh My Zsh plugins # Source: https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/blob/5911aea46c71a2bcc6e7c92e5bebebf77b962233/lib/git.zsh#L58-L71 git_current_branch() { if [[ "$(command git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree)" != true ]]; then return 1 fi local ref ref="$( command git symbolic-ref --quiet HEAD 2> /dev/null || command git rev-parse --short HEAD 2> /dev/null )" || return print -r -- "${ref#refs/heads/}" } declare -A date_formats=( iso '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ' normal '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' compact '%Y%m%d%H%M%S' only-date '%Y-%m-%d' only-time '%H:%M:%S' timestamp '%s' ) for format_name format in "${(kv)date_formats[@]}"; do eval "date-fmt-${format_name}() { date +${(q)format} \"\$@\"; }" done; unset format_name format unset date_formats if (( _is_linux )) && command_exists swapoff && command_exists swapon; then deswap() { sudo sh -c 'swapoff --all && swapon --all'; } fi # Taken from sudoedit() { SUDO_COMMAND="sudoedit $@" command sudoedit "$@" } alias sudoe="sudoedit" alias sue="sudoedit" # gpg-crypt {{{ # Encrypt the given file or directory to a given recipient function gpg-encrypt() { if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then echo "Usage: $0 FILE/DIRECTORY RECIPIENT" >&2 return 1 fi tar -c `basename $1` | gpg --encrypt --recipient $2 -o `basename $1`.tar.gpg } # Decrypt the given tar.gpg file function gpg-decrypt() { if [ "$#" -ne 1 ] || [[ "$1" != *.tar.gpg ]]; then echo "Usage: $0 FILE.tar.gpg" >&2 return 1 fi gpg --quiet --decrypt $1 | tar -x } # }}}