
87 lines
3.7 KiB

import {User} from "discord.js";
import {Command, NamedCommand, getUserByNickname, RestCommand} from "onion-lasers";
// Quotes must be used here or the numbers will change
const registry: {[id: string]: string} = {
"465662909645848577": "You're an idiot, that's what.",
"Kuma, you eldritch fuck, I demand you to release me from this Discord bot and let me see my Chromebook!",
"137323711844974592": "The purple haired gunner man who makes loud noises.",
"208763015657553921": "Minzy's master.",
"229636002443034624": "The ***God*** of being Smug.",
"280876114153308161": "The best girl.",
"175823837835821067": "The somehow sentient pear.",
"145839753118351360": "The blueberry with horns.",
"173917366504259585": "A talented developer.",
"216112465321263105": "The red strawberry cat.",
"394808963356688394": "The cutest, bestest, most caring girl ever.",
"142200534781132800": "The masters of chaos.",
"186496078273708033": "The cute blue cat.",
"241293368267767808": "The cute catgirl.",
"540419616803913738": "The generically Generic hologram man.",
"157598993298227211": "The somehow sentient bowl of nachos.",
"225214401228177408": "The CMD user.",
"224619540263337984": "The guy that did 50% of the work.",
"374298111255773184": "The cutest fox around.",
"150400803503472640": "The big huggy turtle boye.",
"620777734427115523": "The small huggy turtle boye.",
"310801870048198667": "An extremely talented artist and modder.",
"328223274133880833": "The stealthiest hitman.",
"219661798742163467": "An extremely talented artist and modder.",
"You are, uhh, Stay Put, Soft Puppy, Es-Pee, Swift Pacemaker, Smug Poyo, and many more.\n...Seriously, this woman has too many names.",
"Some random conlanger, worldbuilder and programmer doofus. ~~May also secretly be a nyan. :3~~",
"Some random nyan. :3 ~~May also secretly be a conlanger, worldbuilder and programmer doofus.~~",
"367439475153829892": "A weeb.",
"760375501775700038": "˙qǝǝʍ ∀",
"389178357302034442": "In his dreams, he is the star. its him. <:itsMe:808174425253871657>",
"606395763404046349": "Me.",
"237359961842253835": "Good question.",
"The slayer of memes, a vigilante of the voidborn, and the self-proclaimed prophet of Xereptheí.\n> And thus, I shall remain dormant once more. For when judgement day arrives, those whose names are sung shall pierce the heavens."
export default new NamedCommand({
description: "Tells you who you or the specified user is.",
aliases: ["whoami"],
async run({send, author}) {
const id =;
if (id in registry) {
} else {
send("You haven't been added to the registry yet!");
id: "user",
user: new Command({
async run({send, args}) {
const user: User = args[0];
const id =;
if (id in registry) {
} else {
send(`\`${user.tag}\` hasn't been added to the registry yet!`);
any: new RestCommand({
async run({send, guild, combined}) {
const user = await getUserByNickname(combined, guild);
if (typeof user !== "string") {
if ( in registry) {
} else {
send(`\`${user.tag}\` hasn't been added to the registry yet!`);
} else {