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import {
} from "onion-lasers";
import {Storage} from "../../structures";
import {User} from "discord.js";
import moment from "moment";
const DOW_FORMAT = "dddd";
const TIME_FORMAT = "HH:mm:ss";
type DST = "na" | "eu" | "sh";
const TIME_EMBED_COLOR = 0x191970;
const DAYLIGHT_SAVINGS_REGIONS: {[region in DST]: string} = {
na: "North America",
eu: "Europe",
sh: "Southern Hemisphere"
const DST_NOTE_INFO = `*Note: To make things simple, the way the bot will handle specific points in time when switching Daylight Savings is just to switch at UTC 00:00, ignoring local timezones. After all, there's no need to get this down to the exact hour.*
North America
- Starts: 2nd Sunday of March
- Ends: 1st Sunday of November
- Starts: Last Sunday of March
- Ends: Last Sunday of October
Southern Hemisphere
- Starts: 1st Sunday of October
- Ends: 1st Sunday of April`;
const DST_NOTE_SETUP = `Which daylight savings region most closely matches your own?
North America (1⃣)
- Starts: 2nd Sunday of March
- Ends: 1st Sunday of November
Europe (2⃣)
- Starts: Last Sunday of March
- Ends: Last Sunday of October
Southern Hemisphere (3⃣)
- Starts: 1st Sunday of October
- Ends: 1st Sunday of April`;
const DAYS_OF_MONTH = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
// Returns an integer of the specific day the Sunday falls on, -1 if not found
// Also modifies the date object to the specified day as a side effect
function getSunday(date: Date, order: number) {
const daysInCurrentMonth = DAYS_OF_MONTH[date.getUTCMonth()];
let occurrencesLeft = order - 1;
// Search for the last Sunday of the month
if (order === 0) {
for (let day = daysInCurrentMonth; day >= 1; day--) {
if (date.getUTCDay() === 0) {
return day;
} else if (order > 0) {
for (let day = 1; day <= daysInCurrentMonth; day++) {
if (date.getUTCDay() === 0) {
if (occurrencesLeft > 0) {
} else {
return day;
return -1;
// region: [firstMonth (0-11), firstOrder, secondMonth (0-11), secondOrder]
na: [2, 2, 10, 1],
eu: [2, 0, 9, 0],
sh: [3, 1, 9, 1] // this one is reversed for the sake of code simplicity
// capturing: northern hemisphere is concave, southern hemisphere is convex
function hasDaylightSavings(region: DST) {
const [firstMonth, firstOrder, secondMonth, secondOrder] = DST_REGION_TABLE[region];
const date = new Date();
const now = date.getTime();
const currentYear = date.getUTCFullYear();
const firstDate = new Date(Date.UTC(currentYear, firstMonth));
const secondDate = new Date(Date.UTC(currentYear, secondMonth));
getSunday(firstDate, firstOrder);
getSunday(secondDate, secondOrder);
const insideBounds = now >= firstDate.getTime() && now < secondDate.getTime();
return region !== "sh" ? insideBounds : !insideBounds;
function getTimeEmbed(user: User) {
const {timezone, daylightSavingsRegion} = Storage.getUser(;
let localDate = "N/A";
let dayOfWeek = "N/A";
let localTime = "N/A";
let timezoneOffset = "N/A";
if (timezone !== null) {
const daylightSavingsOffset = daylightSavingsRegion && hasDaylightSavings(daylightSavingsRegion) ? 1 : 0;
const daylightTimezone = timezone + daylightSavingsOffset;
const now = moment().utcOffset(daylightTimezone * 60);
localDate = now.format(DATE_FORMAT);
dayOfWeek = now.format(DOW_FORMAT);
localTime = now.format(TIME_FORMAT);
timezoneOffset = daylightTimezone >= 0 ? `+${daylightTimezone}` : daylightTimezone.toString();
const embed = {
author: {
name: user.username,
icon_url: user.displayAvatarURL({
format: "png",
dynamic: true
fields: [
name: "Local Date",
value: localDate
name: "Day of the Week",
value: dayOfWeek
name: "Local Time",
value: localTime
name: daylightSavingsRegion !== null ? "Current Timezone Offset" : "Timezone Offset",
value: timezoneOffset
name: "Observes Daylight Savings?",
value: daylightSavingsRegion ? "Yes" : "No"
if (daylightSavingsRegion) {
name: "Daylight Savings Active?",
value: hasDaylightSavings(daylightSavingsRegion) ? "Yes" : "No"
name: "Daylight Savings Region",
value: DAYLIGHT_SAVINGS_REGIONS[daylightSavingsRegion]
return embed;
export default new NamedCommand({
description: "Show others what time it is for you.",
aliases: ["tz"],
async run({send, author}) {
send({embeds: [getTimeEmbed(author)]});
subcommands: {
// Welcome to callback hell. We hope you enjoy your stay here!
setup: new NamedCommand({
description: "Registers your timezone information for the bot.",
async run({send, author}) {
const profile = Storage.getUser(;
profile.timezone = null;
profile.daylightSavingsRegion = null;
// Parse and validate reply
const reply = await askForReply(
await send(
"What hour (0 to 23) is it for you right now?\n*(Note: Make sure to use Discord's inline reply feature or this won't work!)*"
if (reply === null) return send("Message timed out.");
const hour = parseInt(reply.content);
const isValidHour = !isNaN(hour) && hour >= 0 && hour <= 23;
if (!isValidHour) return reply.reply("you need to enter in a valid integer between 0 to 23");
// You need to also take into account whether or not it's the same day in UTC or not.
// The problem this setup avoids is messing up timezones by 24 hours.
// For example, the old logic was just (hour - hourUTC). When I setup my timezone (UTC-6) at 18:00, it was UTC 00:00.
// That means that that formula was doing (18 - 0) getting me UTC+18 instead of UTC-6 because that naive formula didn't take into account a difference in days.
// (day * 24 + hour) - (day * 24 + hour)
// Since the timezones will be restricted to -12 to +14, you'll be given three options.
// The end of the month should be calculated automatically, you should have enough information at that point.
// But after mapping out the edge cases, I figured out that you can safely gather accurate information just based on whether the UTC day matches the user's day.
// 21:xx (-12, -d) -- 09:xx (+0, 0d) -- 23:xx (+14, 0d)
// 22:xx (-12, -d) -- 10:xx (+0, 0d) -- 00:xx (+14, +d)
// 23:xx (-12, -d) -- 11:xx (+0, 0d) -- 01:xx (+14, +d)
// 00:xx (-12, 0d) -- 12:xx (+0, 0d) -- 02:xx (+14, +d)
// For example, 23:xx (-12) - 01:xx (+14) shows that even the edge cases of UTC-12 and UTC+14 cannot overlap, so the dataset can be reduced to a yes or no option.
// - 23:xx same day = +0, 23:xx diff day = -1
// - 00:xx same day = +0, 00:xx diff day = +1
// - 01:xx same day = +0, 01:xx diff day = +1
// First, create a tuple list matching each possible hour-dayOffset-timezoneOffset combination. In the above example, it'd go something like this:
// [[23, -1, -12], [0, 0, -11], ..., [23, 0, 12], [0, 1, 13], [1, 1, 14]]
// Then just find the matching one by filtering through dayOffset (equals zero or not), then the hour from user input.
// Remember that you don't know where the difference in day might be at this point, so you can't do (hour - hourUTC) safely.
// In terms of the equation, you're missing a variable in (--> day <-- * 24 + hour) - (day * 24 + hour). That's what the loop is for.
// Now you might be seeing a problem with setting this up at the end/beginning of a month, but that actually isn't a problem.
// Let's say that it's 00:xx of the first UTC day of a month. hourSumUTC = 24
// UTC-12 --> hourSumLowerBound (hourSumUTC - 12) = 12
// UTC+14 --> hourSumUpperBound (hourSumUTC + 14) = 38
// Remember, the nice thing about making these bounds relative to the UTC hour sum is that there can't be any conflicts even at the edges of months.
// And remember that we aren't using this question: (day * 24 + hour) - (day * 24 + hour). We're drawing from a list which does not store its data in absolute terms.
// That means there's no 31st, 1st, 2nd, it's -1, 0, +1. I just need to make sure to calculate an offset to subtract from the hour sums.
const date = new Date(); // e.g. 2021-05-01 @ 05:00
const day = date.getUTCDate(); // e.g. 1
const hourSumUTC = day * 24 + date.getUTCHours(); // e.g. 29
const timezoneTupleList: [number, number, number][] = [];
const uniques: number[] = []; // only for temporary use
const duplicates = [];
// Setup the tuple list in a separate block.
for (let timezoneOffset = -12; timezoneOffset <= 14; timezoneOffset++) {
const hourSum = hourSumUTC + timezoneOffset; // e.g. 23, UTC-6 (17 to 43)
const hour = hourSum % 24; // e.g. 23
// This works because you get the # of days w/o hours minus UTC days without hours.
// Since it's all relative to UTC, it'll end up being -1, 0, or 1.
const dayOffset = Math.floor(hourSum / 24) - day; // e.g. -1
timezoneTupleList.push([hour, dayOffset, timezoneOffset]);
if (uniques.includes(hour)) {
} else {
// I calculate the list beforehand and check for duplicates to reduce unnecessary asking.
if (duplicates.includes(hour)) {
const isSameDay = await confirm(
await send(`Is the current day of the month the ${moment().utc().format("Do")} for you?`),
// Filter through isSameDay (aka !hasDayOffset) then hour from user-generated input.
// isSameDay is checked first to reduce the amount of conditionals per loop.
if (isSameDay) {
for (const [hourPoint, dayOffset, timezoneOffset] of timezoneTupleList) {
if (dayOffset === 0 && hour === hourPoint) {
profile.timezone = timezoneOffset;
} else {
for (const [hourPoint, dayOffset, timezoneOffset] of timezoneTupleList) {
if (dayOffset !== 0 && hour === hourPoint) {
profile.timezone = timezoneOffset;
} else {
// If it's a unique hour, just search through the tuple list and find the matching entry.
for (const [hourPoint, _dayOffset, timezoneOffset] of timezoneTupleList) {
if (hour === hourPoint) {
profile.timezone = timezoneOffset;
// I should note that error handling should be added sometime because await throws an exception on Promise.reject.
const hasDST = await confirm(
await send("Does your timezone change based on daylight savings?"),
const finalize = () => {;
"You've finished setting up your timezone! Just check to see if this looks right, and if it doesn't, run this setup again.",
embeds: [getTimeEmbed(author)]
if (hasDST) {
const finalizeDST = (region: DST) => {
profile.daylightSavingsRegion = region;
// If daylight savings is active, subtract the timezone offset by one to store the standard time.
if (hasDaylightSavings(region)) {
const index = await askMultipleChoice(await send(DST_NOTE_SETUP),, 3);
switch (index) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
} else {
delete: new NamedCommand({
description: "Delete your timezone information.",
async run({send, author}) {
const result = await confirm(
await send("Are you sure you want to delete your timezone information?"),
if (result) {
const profile = Storage.getUser(;
profile.timezone = null;
profile.daylightSavingsRegion = null;;
utc: new NamedCommand({
description: "Displays UTC time.",
async run({send}) {
const time = moment().utc();
embeds: [
fields: [
name: "Local Date",
value: time.format(DATE_FORMAT)
name: "Day of the Week",
value: time.format(DOW_FORMAT)
name: "Local Time",
value: time.format(TIME_FORMAT)
daylight: new NamedCommand({
description: "Provides information on the daylight savings region",
id: "user",
user: new Command({
description: "See what time it is for someone else.",
async run({send, args}) {
send({embeds: [getTimeEmbed(args[0])]});
any: new RestCommand({
description: "See what time it is for someone else (by their username).",
async run({send, guild, combined}) {
const user = await getUserByNickname(combined, guild);
if (typeof user !== "string") send({embeds: [getTimeEmbed(user)]});
else send(user);