import {parseVars} from "./lib"; import {Collection} from "discord.js"; import {Client, Message, TextChannel, DMChannel, NewsChannel, Guild, User, GuildMember} from "discord.js"; import {getPrefix} from "../core/structures"; import {SingleMessageOptions} from "./libd"; import {hasPermission, getPermissionLevel, getPermissionName} from "./permissions"; interface CommandMenu { args: any[]; client: Client; message: Message; channel: TextChannel | DMChannel | NewsChannel; guild: Guild | null; author: User; member: GuildMember | null; } interface CommandOptions { description?: string; endpoint?: boolean; usage?: string; permission?: number; aliases?: string[]; run?: (($: CommandMenu) => Promise) | string; subcommands?: {[key: string]: Command}; user?: Command; number?: Command; any?: Command; } enum TYPES { SUBCOMMAND, USER, NUMBER, ANY, NONE } export default class Command { public readonly description: string; public readonly endpoint: boolean; public readonly usage: string; public readonly permission: number; // -1 (default) indicates to inherit, 0 is the lowest rank, 1 is second lowest rank, and so on. public readonly aliases: string[]; // This is to keep the array intact for parent Command instances to use. It'll also be used when loading top-level aliases. public originalCommandName: string | null; // If the command is an alias, what's the original name? public run: (($: CommandMenu) => Promise) | string; public readonly subcommands: Collection; // This is the final data structure you'll actually use to work with the commands the aliases point to. public user: Command | null; public number: Command | null; public any: Command | null; constructor(options?: CommandOptions) { this.description = options?.description || "No description."; this.endpoint = options?.endpoint || false; this.usage = options?.usage || ""; this.permission = options?.permission ?? -1; this.aliases = options?.aliases ?? []; this.originalCommandName = null; = options?.run || "No action was set on this command!"; this.subcommands = new Collection(); // Populate this collection after setting subcommands. this.user = options?.user || null; this.number = options?.number || null; this.any = options?.any || null; if (options?.subcommands) { const baseSubcommands = Object.keys(options.subcommands); // Loop once to set the base subcommands. for (const name in options.subcommands) this.subcommands.set(name, options.subcommands[name]); // Then loop again to make aliases point to the base subcommands and warn if something's not right. // This shouldn't be a problem because I'm hoping that JS stores these as references that point to the same object. for (const name in options.subcommands) { const subcmd = options.subcommands[name]; subcmd.originalCommandName = name; const aliases = subcmd.aliases; for (const alias of aliases) { if (baseSubcommands.includes(alias)) console.warn( `"${alias}" in subcommand "${name}" was attempted to be declared as an alias but it already exists in the base commands! (Look at the next "Loading Command" line to see which command is affected.)` ); else if (this.subcommands.has(alias)) console.warn( `Duplicate alias "${alias}" at subcommand "${name}"! (Look at the next "Loading Command" line to see which command is affected.)` ); else this.subcommands.set(alias, subcmd); } } } if (this.user && this.user.aliases.length > 0) console.warn( `There are aliases defined for a "user"-type subcommand, but those aliases won't be used. (Look at the next "Loading Command" line to see which command is affected.)` ); if (this.number && this.number.aliases.length > 0) console.warn( `There are aliases defined for a "number"-type subcommand, but those aliases won't be used. (Look at the next "Loading Command" line to see which command is affected.)` ); if (this.any && this.any.aliases.length > 0) console.warn( `There are aliases defined for an "any"-type subcommand, but those aliases won't be used. (Look at the next "Loading Command" line to see which command is affected.)` ); } public execute($: CommandMenu) { if (typeof === "string") { $.channel.send( parseVars(, { author: $.author.toString(), prefix: getPrefix($.guild) }, "???" ) ); } else$).catch(handler.bind($)); } // Will return null if it successfully executes, SingleMessageOptions if there's an error (to let the user know what it is). public async actualExecute(args: string[], tmp: any): Promise { // Subcommand Recursion // let command = commands.get(header)!; //resolveSubcommand() const params: any[] = []; let isEndpoint = false; let permLevel = command.permission ?? 0; for (const param of args) { if (command.endpoint) { if (command.subcommands.size > 0 || command.user || command.number || command.any) console.warn("An endpoint cannot have subcommands!"); isEndpoint = true; break; } const type = command.resolve(param); command = command.get(param); permLevel = command.permission ?? permLevel; if (type === TYPES.USER) { const id = param.match(/\d+/g)![0]; try { params.push(await message.client.users.fetch(id)); } catch (error) { return`No user found by the ID \`${id}\`!`); } } else if (type === TYPES.NUMBER) params.push(Number(param)); else if (type !== TYPES.SUBCOMMAND) params.push(param); } if (!message.member) return console.warn("This command was likely called from a DM channel meaning the member object is null."); if (!hasPermission(message.member, permLevel)) { const userPermLevel = getPermissionLevel(message.member); return `You don't have access to this command! Your permission level is \`${getPermissionName( userPermLevel )}\` (${userPermLevel}), but this command requires a permission level of \`${getPermissionName( permLevel )}\` (${permLevel}).` ); } if (isEndpoint) return"Too many arguments!"); command.execute({ args: params, author:, channel:, client: message.client, guild: message.guild, member: message.member, message: message }); return null; } public resolve(param: string): TYPES { if (this.subcommands.has(param)) return TYPES.SUBCOMMAND; // Any Discord ID format will automatically format to a user ID. else if (this.user && /\d{17,19}/.test(param)) return TYPES.USER; // Disallow infinity and allow for 0. else if (this.number && (Number(param) || param === "0") && !param.includes("Infinity")) return TYPES.NUMBER; else if (this.any) return TYPES.ANY; else return TYPES.NONE; } public get(param: string): Command { const type = this.resolve(param); let command: Command; switch (type) { case TYPES.SUBCOMMAND: command = this.subcommands.get(param) as Command; break; case TYPES.USER: command = this.user as Command; break; case TYPES.NUMBER: command = this.number as Command; break; case TYPES.ANY: command = this.any as Command; break; default: command = this; break; } return command; } // Returns: [category, command name, command, available subcommands: [type, subcommand]] public resolveCommandInfo(args: string[]): [string, string, Command, Collection] { const commands = await loadableCommands; let header = args.shift(); let command = commands.get(header); if (!command || header === "test") { $.channel.send(`No command found by the name \`${header}\`!`); return; } if (command.originalCommandName) header = command.originalCommandName; else console.warn(`originalCommandName isn't defined for ${header}?!`); let permLevel = command.permission ?? 0; let usage = command.usage; let invalid = false; let selectedCategory = "Unknown"; for (const [category, headers] of categories) { if (headers.includes(header)) { if (selectedCategory !== "Unknown") console.warn( `Command "${header}" is somehow in multiple categories. This means that the command loading stage probably failed in properly adding categories.` ); else selectedCategory = toTitleCase(category); } } for (const param of args) { const type = command.resolve(param); command = command.get(param); permLevel = command.permission ?? permLevel; if (permLevel === -1) permLevel = command.permission; switch (type) { case TYPES.SUBCOMMAND: header += ` ${command.originalCommandName}`; break; case TYPES.USER: header += " "; break; case TYPES.NUMBER: header += " "; break; case TYPES.ANY: header += " "; break; default: header += ` ${param}`; break; } if (type === TYPES.NONE) { invalid = true; break; } } if (invalid) { $.channel.send(`No command found by the name \`${header}\`!`); return; } } } // If you use promises, use this function to display the error in chat. // Case #1: await $.channel.send(""); --> Automatically caught by Command.execute(). // Case #2: $.channel.send("").catch(handler.bind($)); --> Manually caught by the user. // TODO: Find a way to catch unhandled rejections automatically, forgoing the need for this. export function handler(this: CommandMenu, error: Error) { if (this) `There was an error while trying to execute that command!\`\`\`${error.stack ?? error}\`\`\`` ); else console.warn( "No context was attached to $.handler! Make sure to use .catch($.handler.bind($)) or .catch(error => $.handler(error)) instead!" ); console.error(error); }