import attachClientToLavalink from "discord.js-lavalink-lib"; import {Config} from "../structures"; import {client} from "../index"; // Although the example showed to do " = LavaLink(...)" and "(client as any).music = Lavalink(...)" was done to match that, nowhere in the library is ever actually used nor does the function return anything. In other words, is undefined and is never used. attachClientToLavalink(client, { lavalink: { restnode: { host: "localhost", port: 2333, password: "youshallnotpass" }, nodes: [ { host: "localhost", port: 2333, password: "youshallnotpass" } ] }, prefix: Config.prefix, helpCmd: "mhelp", admins: ["717352467280691331"] }); // Disable the unhandledRejection listener by Lavalink because it captures every single unhandled // rejection and adds its message with it. Then replace it with a better, more selective error handler. for (const listener of process.listeners("unhandledRejection")) { if (listener.toString().includes("discord.js-lavalink-musicbot")) {"unhandledRejection", listener); } } process.on("unhandledRejection", (reason: any) => { if (reason?.code === "ECONNREFUSED") { // This is console.warn instead of console.error because on development environments, unless Lavalink is being tested, it won't interfere with the bot's functionality. console.warn( `[discord.js-lavalink-musicbot] Caught unhandled rejection: ${reason.stack}\nIf this is causing issues, head to the support server at` ); } }); // It's unsafe to process uncaughtException because after an uncaught exception, the system // becomes corrupted. So disable Lavalink from adding a hook to it. for (const listener of process.listeners("uncaughtException")) { if (listener.toString().includes("discord.js-lavalink-musicbot")) {"uncaughtException", listener); } }