import {Command, NamedCommand, RestCommand} from "onion-lasers"; import translate from "translate-google"; export default new NamedCommand({ description: "Translates your input.", usage: " ", run: "You need to specify a language to translate to.", any: new Command({ run: "You need to enter some text to translate.", any: new RestCommand({ async run({send, args}) { const lang = args[0]; const input = args.slice(1).join(" "); translate(input, { to: lang }) .then((res) => { send({ embed: { title: "Translation", fields: [ { name: "Input", value: `\`\`\`${input}\`\`\`` }, { name: "Output", value: `\`\`\`${res}\`\`\`` } ] } }); }) .catch((error) => { console.error("[translate]", error); send( `${error}\nPlease use the following list:` ); }); } }) }) });