import {GuildEmoji} from "discord.js"; import {client} from "../../../index"; // Levenshtein distance coefficients for all transformation types. // TODO: Investigate what values result in the most optimal matching strategy. const directMatchWeight = 0.0; const uppercaseWeight = 0.2; const lowercaseWeight = 0.5; const substitutionWeight = 1.0; const deletionWeight = 1.5; const insertionWeight = 1.5; // Maximum Levenshtein distance for an emote to be considered a suitable match candidate. const maxAcceptedDistance = 3.0; // Algorithm taken from // Modified for separate handling of uppercasing and lowercasing transformations. function levenshtein(s: string, t: string): number { const m = s.length; const n = t.length; let v0 = new Array(n + 1); let v1 = new Array(n + 1); let i, j; for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) v0[i] = i; for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { v1[0] = i + 1; for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { let r; if (s[i] === t[j]) r = directMatchWeight; else if (s[i] === t[j].toUpperCase()) r = uppercaseWeight; else if (s[i] === t[j].toLowerCase()) r = lowercaseWeight; else r = substitutionWeight; v1[j + 1] = Math.min(v0[j + 1] + deletionWeight, v1[j] + insertionWeight, v0[j] + r); } const tmp = v1; (v1 = v0), (v0 = tmp); } return v0[n]; } function searchSimilarEmotes(query: string): GuildEmoji[] { const emoteCandidates: {emote: GuildEmoji; dist: number}[] = []; for (const emote of client.emojis.cache.values()) { if ( { const dist = levenshtein(, query); if (dist <= maxAcceptedDistance) { emoteCandidates.push({emote, dist}); } } } emoteCandidates.sort((b, a) => b.dist - a.dist); return => em.emote); } const unicodeEmojiRegex = /^(?:[\u2700-\u27bf]|(?:\ud83c[\udde6-\uddff]){2}|[\ud800-\udbff][\udc00-\udfff]|[\u0023-\u0039]\ufe0f?\u20e3|\u3299|\u3297|\u303d|\u3030|\u24c2|\ud83c[\udd70-\udd71]|\ud83c[\udd7e-\udd7f]|\ud83c\udd8e|\ud83c[\udd91-\udd9a]|\ud83c[\udde6-\uddff]|\ud83c[\ude01-\ude02]|\ud83c\ude1a|\ud83c\ude2f|\ud83c[\ude32-\ude3a]|\ud83c[\ude50-\ude51]|\u203c|\u2049|[\u25aa-\u25ab]|\u25b6|\u25c0|[\u25fb-\u25fe]|\u00a9|\u00ae|\u2122|\u2139|\ud83c\udc04|[\u2600-\u26FF]|\u2b05|\u2b06|\u2b07|\u2b1b|\u2b1c|\u2b50|\u2b55|\u231a|\u231b|\u2328|\u23cf|[\u23e9-\u23f3]|[\u23f8-\u23fa]|\ud83c\udccf|\u2934|\u2935|[\u2190-\u21ff])[\ufe00-\ufe0f]?$/; const discordEmoteMentionRegex = /^$/; const emoteNameWithSelectorRegex = /^(.+)~(\d+)$/; export function searchNearestEmote(query: string, additionalEmotes?: GuildEmoji[]): string { // Selector number used for disambiguating multiple emotes with same name. let selector = 0; // If the query has emoteName~123 format, extract the actual name and the selector number. const queryWithSelector = query.match(emoteNameWithSelectorRegex); if (queryWithSelector) { query = queryWithSelector[1]; selector = +queryWithSelector[2]; } // Try to match an emote name directly if the selector is for the closest match. if (selector == 0) { const directMatchEmote = client.emojis.cache.find((em) => === query); if (directMatchEmote) return directMatchEmote.toString(); } // Find all similar emote candidates within certain threshold and select Nth top one according to the selector. const similarEmotes = searchSimilarEmotes(query); if (similarEmotes.length > 0) { selector = Math.min(selector, similarEmotes.length - 1); return similarEmotes[selector].toString(); } // Return some "missing/invalid emote" indicator. return "❓"; } export function processEmoteQuery(query: string[], isFormatted: boolean): string[] { return => { emote = emote.trim(); // If the query directly matches a Unicode emoji or a Discord custom emote mention, pass it as-is. if (discordEmoteMentionRegex.test(emote) || unicodeEmojiRegex.test(emote)) return emote; // If formatted mode is enabled, parse whitespace and newline elements. if (isFormatted) { if (emote == "-") return " "; if (emote == "+") return "\n"; if (emote == "_") return "\u200b"; } return searchNearestEmote(emote); }); }