import Event from "../core/event"; import $ from "../core/lib"; import {updateGlobalEmoteRegistry} from "../core/lib"; import {client} from "../index"; import {Config} from "../core/structures"; import {TextChannel} from "discord.js"; export default new Event<"guildCreate">({ on(guild) { $.log( `[GUILD JOIN] ${} (${}) added the bot. Owner: ${guild.owner!.user.tag} (${ guild.owner! }). Updated emote registry.` ); if (Config.systemLogsChannel) { const channel = client.channels.cache.get(Config.systemLogsChannel); if (channel && channel.type === "text") { (channel as TextChannel).send( `TravBot joined: \`${}\`. The owner of this guild is: \`${guild.owner!.user.tag}\` (\`${ guild.owner! }\`)` ); } else { console.warn(`${Config.systemLogsChannel} is not a valid text channel for system logs!`); } } updateGlobalEmoteRegistry(); } });