import {Command, getUserByNickname, NamedCommand, confirm, RestCommand} from "onion-lasers"; import {pluralise} from "../../../lib"; import {Storage} from "../../../structures"; import {isAuthorized, getMoneyEmbed, getSendEmbed, ECO_EMBED_COLOR} from "./eco-utils"; export const DailyCommand = new NamedCommand({ description: "Pick up your daily Mons. The cooldown is per user and every 22 hours to allow for some leeway.", aliases: ["get"], async run({send, author, channel, guild}) { if (isAuthorized(guild, channel)) { const user = Storage.getUser(; const now =; if (now - user.lastReceived >= 79200000) {; user.lastReceived = now;; send({ embed: { title: "Daily Reward", description: "You received 1 Mon!", color: ECO_EMBED_COLOR } }); } else send({ embed: { title: "Daily Reward", description: `It's too soon to pick up your daily Mons. You have about ${( (user.lastReceived + 79200000 - now) / 3600000 ).toFixed(1)} hours to go.`, color: ECO_EMBED_COLOR } }); } } }); export const GuildCommand = new NamedCommand({ description: "Get info on the guild's economy as a whole.", async run({send, guild, channel}) { if (isAuthorized(guild, channel)) { const users = Storage.users; let totalAmount = 0; for (const ID in users) { const user = users[ID]; totalAmount +=; } send({ embed: { title: `The Bank of ${guild!.name}`, color: ECO_EMBED_COLOR, fields: [ { name: "Accounts", value: Object.keys(users).length, inline: true }, { name: "Total Mons", value: totalAmount, inline: true } ], thumbnail: { url: guild?.iconURL() ?? "" } } }); } } }); export const LeaderboardCommand = new NamedCommand({ description: "See the richest players.", aliases: ["top"], async run({send, guild, channel, client}) { if (isAuthorized(guild, channel)) { const users = Storage.users; const ids = Object.keys(users); ids.sort((a, b) => users[b].money - users[a].money); const fields = []; for (let i = 0, limit = Math.min(10, ids.length); i < limit; i++) { const id = ids[i]; const user = await client.users.fetch(id); fields.push({ name: `#${i + 1}. ${user.tag}`, value: pluralise(users[id].money, "Mon", "s") }); } send({ embed: { title: "Top 10 Richest Players", color: ECO_EMBED_COLOR, fields: fields, thumbnail: { url: guild?.iconURL() ?? "" } } }); } } }); export const PayCommand = new NamedCommand({ description: "Send money to someone.", usage: " ", run: "Who are you sending this money to?", id: "user", user: new Command({ run: "You need to enter an amount you're sending!", number: new Command({ async run({send, args, author, channel, guild}): Promise { if (isAuthorized(guild, channel)) { const amount = Math.floor(args[1]); const sender = Storage.getUser(; const target = args[0]; const receiver = Storage.getUser(; if (amount <= 0) return send("You must send at least one Mon!"); else if ( < amount) return send("You don't have enough Mons for that.", getMoneyEmbed(author)); else if ( === return send("You can't send Mons to yourself!"); else if ( && !IS_DEV_MODE) return send("You can't send Mons to a bot!"); -= amount; += amount;; return send(getSendEmbed(author, target, amount)); } } }) }), number: new Command({ run: "You must use the format `eco pay `!" }), any: new RestCommand({ async run({send, args, author, channel, guild, combined}) { if (isAuthorized(guild, channel)) { const last = args.pop(); if (!/\d+/g.test(last) && args.length === 0) return send("You need to enter an amount you're sending!"); const amount = Math.floor(last); const sender = Storage.getUser(; if (amount <= 0) return send("You must send at least one Mon!"); else if ( < amount) return send("You don't have enough Mons to do that!", getMoneyEmbed(author)); else if (!guild) return send("You have to use this in a server if you want to send Mons with a username!"); const user = await getUserByNickname(combined, guild); if (typeof user === "string") return send(user); else if ( === return send("You can't send Mons to yourself!"); else if ( && !IS_DEV_MODE) return send("You can't send Mons to a bot!"); const confirmed = await confirm( await send(`Are you sure you want to send ${pluralise(amount, "Mon", "s")} to this person?`, { embed: { color: ECO_EMBED_COLOR, author: { name: user.tag, icon_url: user.displayAvatarURL({ format: "png", dynamic: true }) } } }), ); if (confirmed) { const receiver = Storage.getUser(; -= amount; += amount;; send(getSendEmbed(author, user, amount)); } } return; } }) });