import {URL} from "url"; import {Command, NamedCommand} from "onion-lasers"; import {getContent} from "../../lib"; const endpoints: {sfw: {[key: string]: string}} = { sfw: { tickle: "/img/tickle", slap: "/img/slap", poke: "/img/poke", pat: "/img/pat", neko: "/img/neko", meow: "/img/meow", lizard: "/img/lizard", kiss: "/img/kiss", hug: "/img/hug", foxGirl: "/img/fox_girl", feed: "/img/feed", cuddle: "/img/cuddle", why: "/why", catText: "/cat", fact: "/fact", nekoGif: "/img/ngif", kemonomimi: "/img/kemonomimi", holo: "/img/holo", smug: "/img/smug", baka: "/img/baka", woof: "/img/woof", spoiler: "/spoiler", wallpaper: "/img/wallpaper", goose: "/img/goose", gecg: "/img/gecg", avatar: "/img/avatar", waifu: "/img/waifu" } }; export default new NamedCommand({ description: "Provides you with a random image with the selected argument.", async run({send}) { send(`Please provide an image type. Available arguments:\n\`[${Object.keys(endpoints.sfw).join(", ")}]\`.`); }, any: new Command({ description: "Image type to send.", async run({send, args}) { const arg = args[0]; if (!(arg in endpoints.sfw)) return send("Couldn't find that endpoint!"); let url = new URL(`${endpoints.sfw[arg]}`); const content = await getContent(url.toString()); return send(content.url); } }) });