import Command from "../core/command"; import {CommonLibrary, logs} from "../core/lib"; import {Config, Storage} from "../core/structures"; import {PermissionNames, getPermissionLevel} from "../core/permissions"; function getLogBuffer(type: string) { return {files: [{ attachment: Buffer.alloc(logs[type].length, logs[type]), name: `${}.${type}.log` }]}; } export default new Command({ description: "An all-in-one command to do admin stuff. You need to be either an admin of the server or one of the bot's mechanics to use this command.", async run($: CommonLibrary): Promise { if(!$.member) return $.channel.send("Couldn't find a member object for you! Did you make sure you used this in a server?"); const permLevel = getPermissionLevel($.member); $.channel.send(`${$.author.toString()}, your permission level is \`${PermissionNames[permLevel]}\` (${permLevel}).`); }, subcommands: { set: new Command({ description: "Set different per-guild settings for the bot.", run: "You have to specify the option you want to set.", permission: Command.PERMISSIONS.ADMIN, subcommands: { prefix: new Command({ description: "Set a custom prefix for your guild. Removes your custom prefix if none is provided.", usage: "()", async run($: CommonLibrary): Promise { Storage.getGuild($.guild?.id || "N/A").prefix = null;; $.channel.send(`The custom prefix for this guild has been removed. My prefix is now back to \`${Config.prefix}\`.`); }, any: new Command({ async run($: CommonLibrary): Promise { Storage.getGuild($.guild?.id || "N/A").prefix = $.args[0];; $.channel.send(`The custom prefix for this guild is now \`${$.args[0]}\`.`); } }) }) } }), diag: new Command({ description: "Requests a debug log with the \"info\" verbosity level.", permission: Command.PERMISSIONS.BOT_SUPPORT, async run($: CommonLibrary): Promise { $.channel.send(getLogBuffer("info")); }, any: new Command({ description: `Select a verbosity to listen to. Available levels: \`[${Object.keys(logs)}]\``, async run($: CommonLibrary): Promise { const type = $.args[0]; if(type in logs) $.channel.send(getLogBuffer(type)); else $.channel.send(`Couldn't find a verbosity level named \`${type}\`! The available types are \`[${Object.keys(logs)}]\`.`); } }) }), status: new Command({ description: "Changes the bot's status.", permission: Command.PERMISSIONS.BOT_SUPPORT, async run($: CommonLibrary): Promise { $.channel.send('Setting status to `online`...'); }, any: new Command({ description: `Select a status to set to. Available statuses: \`online\`, \`idle\`, \`dnd\`, \`invisible\``, async run($: CommonLibrary): Promise { let statuses = ['online', 'idle', 'dnd', 'invisible']; if (!statuses.includes($.args[0])) return $.channel.send("That status doesn't exist!"); else { $.client.user?.setStatus($.args[0]); $.channel.send(`Setting status to \`${$.args[0]}\`...`); } } }) }) } });