# 2.8.4 - Reworked the react command - `react` is now a fully versatile command for helping you react to other messages with non-server emotes. - Now properly reacts to the previous message (bug fix). - Provides you the option to react to any number of messages before your message (3 messages above yours for example). - Renamed guild ID to message ID for clarity's sake. - Now removes the bot's own reaction after a few seconds to make the reaction count more accurate. - Now lets you react with multiple messages in a row. - Now reacts with ❓ if no reactions were found at all (see below). - `emote`: - Is now case-sensitive again (because there are too many name conflicts). - Accepts multiple emotes for tiled emotes. - Now reacts to your message with ❓ instead of `None of those emote names were valid!` so that the bot doesn't spam the chat if you can't find the right emote (because you'll still be able to delete your messages). - `thonk` now stores the last specified phrase so you can repeat a phrase with different diacritics. # 2.8.3 - The ultimate meme # 2.8.2 - Added a changelog. - Added an extra instruction to the readme's installation. - Made commands utilize the existing `Array.random()` function. - Removed concatenation when using template strings. - Added `Number.pluralise()` for convenient pluralization. - Reworked the `neko` command. - Made `whoami` sync up with `whois` by using the same config. - Fixed a bug with `emote` where it wouldn't find any upper case emotes and made it more lenient to just include any emote (so you don't have to remember the exact emote name). - Moved lists and gathering shop items outside of `exports.run()` so that it initializes once during the bot's initialization (or when reloaded) rather than every time the command is called. # 2.8.1 - Modularized eco shop and eco buy - Fixed scanemotes sometimes not displaying all emotes. This was an issue of not accounting for whether an emote was animated or not. - Modularized `eco shop` and `eco buy`. Shop items are now in the `shop` subfolder and `eco shop` now separates every 5 shop items into separate pages automatically. # 2.8.0 - Added graphical welcome setting - Adds a new option to the `set` and `conf` commands, allowing you to enable an image being sent as a welcome. # 2.7.1 - Added eco buy laser bridge and reworked scanemotes - `eco buy laser bridge` - Added a shop item. Buy what is technically a laser bridge. Costs 3 Mons. - `insult` - Now pings the user who activated it. - `scanemotes` - Reworked the command after a test run in a big server. - Merged the unsorted and sorted emote listings into one section. The unsorted emotes pretty much had a random order as it was pretty much which emote was added first as the search went on, so nothing's gone there. `#1 :emote: x 20 - 30.532% (Bots: 132)` - Bumped the cooldown from 1 hour to 1 day. - An updated progress meter which now stays on a single channel at a time because it's no longer asynchronous. This progress bar also works with Discord's rate limits. `Searching channel ___... (___ messages scanned, x/y channels scanned)` - Now includes all emotes in a server, even if they haven't been used. - Now properly counts emote usage for reactions (whether or not a bot reacted to a message) # 2.7.0 - Added percentages to scanemotes ## Major Changes - Added an hour long cooldown to `scanemotes` per server because it's a very memory-intensive task to search through every single message. - Added a second list of emotes to `scanemotes`, sorting by percentage of users-only usage. - Added a function to the client's common functions to generate a page users can turn. ## Minor Changes - `avatar` - Now has proper error handling when searching by mention and ID. - No longer pings the user, it just sends the image link by itself. - `eco` - Merges `sender.id + message.guild.id` into `compositeID` since it's so frequently used. - Bug Fix: If you have exactly 1 Mon and you pay someone 1 Mon, they'll get 1 more Mon and you'll still have 1 Mon because the 0 coerces to false resetting your money, because JS soft comparison. Fixed by using the "in" operator instead. - Uses else ifs to make the command marginally faster. - Now properly handles mentions and extracting the user ID from them in the `pay` subcommand. - Added a message that occurs when the user tries to buy an item that doesn't exist. - Added an `insult` command which will have the bot type out the navy seals copypasta for a minute. - Modified the `invite` command to auto-generate a link based on the current bot client ID rather than having it be hardcoded to TravBot specifically. - Added error checking to `scanemotes` so users aren't left in the dark if something happens. - On big servers, `scanemotes` should now have emotes actually show up. # 2.6.1 - Hotfix: Scan emotes no longer requires admin - Fixed the `scanemotes` command to no longer require admin permissions. This was due to an oversight: There can be channels which the bot doesn't have access to, ie private channels. You have to check if the bot has access to a channel because the filter will gather all text-based channels regardless. Admin permissions overrides all restrictions, which is why it only worked with admin permissions. - Entering a username in the `avatar` command unsuccessfully will now send a message in chat. # 2.6.0 - Added the ability to get other users' avatars and see emote usage - You can now scan the current guild for emote usage, collecting all emotes used in messages and reactions. (example below) ![2020-06-19 04_08_22-Window](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/44940783/85116219-98a69280-b1e2-11ea-9246-b8f5ff2537ea.png) - You can now get other avatars by providing an ID (works even when the bot doesn't share the same server as that user), username, or by pinging them. - Included the fix for `serverinfo`. # 2.5.3 - Changed default prefix for setup. - Enhanced `react` command. New optional guildID arg. - Added message logger. - Fixed calc permission error. - Removed `delete` command. - Added ignored and notified channels to logger. - Added images to logger. Added author to logger. - Emote command is now not case-sensitive. # 2.5.2 - Bug fixes to the "eco" command - Now prevents users from sending negative amounts of money to others (minimum of 1 Mon). - Also prevents users from sending decimal amounts. - Fixes a potentially wrong substring for user IDs. - Now requires an argument when using the "desc" command. # 2.5.1 - Added shop functionality to eco. - Fixed faulty guild check. - Attempt at fixing emote for eco cute. - Pluralised "mon" for eco handhold. - Added `translate` command. # 2.5.0 - Added the "pay" sub-command to "eco" # 2.4.1 - Added Procfile. - Updated whoami's keys. - Rewrote `desc` command. # 2.4.0 - Implemented music system - VC Rename command - Travis CI configuration - Music system - Dependency updates