import Command from "../../core/command"; import {CommonLibrary} from "../../core/lib"; export default new Command({ description: "Gives specified user a cookie.", usage: "['all'/@user]", run: ":cookie: Here's a cookie!", any: new Command({ async run($: CommonLibrary): Promise { if ($.args[0] == "all") return $.channel.send(`${$.author} gave everybody a cookie!`); } }), user: new Command({ description: "User to give cookie to.", async run($: CommonLibrary): Promise { const sender = $.author; const mention = $.message.mentions.users.first(); if (!mention) return; const cookies = [ `has given <@${}> a chocolate chip cookie!`, `has given <@${}> a soft homemade oatmeal cookie!`, `has given <@${}> a plain, dry, old cookie. It was the last one in the bag. Gross.`, `gives <@${}> a sugar cookie. What, no frosting and sprinkles? 0/10 would not touch.`, `gives <@${}> a chocolate chip cookie. Oh wait, those are raisins. Bleck!`, `gives <@${}> an enormous cookie. Poking it gives you more cookies. Weird.`, `gives <@${}> a fortune cookie. It reads "Why aren't you working on any projects?"`, `gives <@${}> a fortune cookie. It reads "Give that special someone a compliment"`, `gives <@${}> a fortune cookie. It reads "Take a risk!"`, `gives <@${}> a fortune cookie. It reads "Go outside."`, `gives <@${}> a fortune cookie. It reads "Don't forget to eat your veggies!"`, `gives <@${}> a fortune cookie. It reads "Do you even lift?"`, `gives <@${}> a fortune cookie. It reads "m808 pls"`, `gives <@${}> a fortune cookie. It reads "If you move your hips, you'll get all the ladies."`, `gives <@${}> a fortune cookie. It reads "I love you."`, `gives <@${}> a Golden Cookie. You can't eat it because it is made of gold. Dammit.`, `gives <@${}> an Oreo cookie with a glass of milk!`, `gives <@${}> a rainbow cookie made with love :heart:`, `gives <@${}> an old cookie that was left out in the rain, it's moldy.`, `bakes <@${}> fresh cookies, it smells amazing.` ]; if ( == return $.channel.send("You can't give yourself cookies!"); $.channel.send(`:cookie: <@${}> ` + cookies[Math.floor(Math.random() * cookies.length)]); } }) });