import {Command, NamedCommand} from "onion-lasers"; import {isAuthorized, getMoneyEmbed} from "./eco-utils"; import {User as DiscordUser} from "discord.js"; import {User, pluralise} from "../../../lib"; const WEEKDAY = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"]; export const MondayCommand = new NamedCommand({ description: "Use this on a UTC Monday to get an extra Mon. Does not affect your 22 hour timer for `eco daily`.", async run({send, guild, channel, author}) { if (isAuthorized(guild, channel)) { const user = new User(; const now = new Date(); const weekday = now.getUTCDay(); // If it's a UTC Monday if (weekday === 1) { // If the user hasn't already claimed their Monday reward (checks the last 24 hours because that'll block up the entire day) if (now.getTime() - user.lastMonday >= 86400000) {; user.lastMonday = now.getTime(); send({content: "It is **Mon**day, my dudes.", embeds: [getMoneyEmbed(author, true)]}); } else send("You've already claimed your **Mon**day reward for this week."); } else { const weekdayName = WEEKDAY[weekday]; const hourText = now.getUTCHours().toString().padStart(2, "0"); const minuteText = now.getUTCMinutes().toString().padStart(2, "0"); send( `Come back when it's **Mon**day. Right now, it's ${weekdayName}, ${hourText}:${minuteText} (UTC).` ); } } } }); export const AwardCommand = new NamedCommand({ description: "Only usable by Mon, awards one or a specified amount of Mons to the user.", usage: " ()", aliases: ["give"], run: "You need to specify a user!", user: new Command({ async run({send, author, args}) { if ( === "394808963356688394" || process.env.DEV) { const target = args[0] as DiscordUser; const user = new User(;; send({content: `1 Mon given to ${target.username}.`, embeds: [getMoneyEmbed(target, true)]}); } else { send("This command is restricted to the bean."); } }, number: new Command({ async run({send, author, args}) { if ( === "394808963356688394" || process.env.DEV) { const target = args[0] as DiscordUser; const amount = Math.floor(args[1]); if (amount > 0) { const user = new User(; += amount; send({ content: `${pluralise(amount, "Mon", "s")} given to ${target.username}.`, embeds: [getMoneyEmbed(target, true)] }); } else { send("You need to enter a number greater than 0."); } } else { send("This command is restricted to the bean."); } } }) }) });