import Event from "../core/event"; import {client} from "../index"; import $ from "../core/lib"; import {Config, Storage} from "../core/structures"; import {updateGlobalEmoteRegistry} from "../core/lib"; export default new Event<"ready">({ once() { if (client.user) { $.ready( `Logged in as ${client.user.tag}, ready to serve ${client.users.cache.size} users in ${client.guilds.cache.size} servers..` ); client.user.setActivity({ type: "LISTENING", name: `${Config.prefix}help` }); } updateGlobalEmoteRegistry(); // Run this setup block once to restore eco bet money in case the bot went down. (And I guess search the client for those users to let them know too.) for (const id in Storage.users) { const user = Storage.users[id]; if(user.ecoBetInsurance > 0) { client.users.cache.get(id)?.send(`Because my system either crashed or restarted while you had a pending bet, the total amount of money that you bet, which was \`${user.ecoBetInsurance}\`, has been restored.`); += user.ecoBetInsurance; user.ecoBetInsurance = 0; } }; } });