import {MessageEmbed} from "discord.js"; import Command from "../../core/command"; import {CommonLibrary} from "../../core/lib"; export default new Command({ description: "Lists all emotes the bot has in it's registry,", endpoint: true, async run($: CommonLibrary): Promise { const nsfw: string | string[] = []; const pages = $.client.emojis.cache.filter((x) => !nsfw.includes(, this).array(); const pagesSplit = $(pages).split(20); $.log(pagesSplit); var embed = new MessageEmbed().setTitle("**Emoji list!**").setColor("AQUA"); let desc = ""; for (const emote of pagesSplit[0]) { desc += `${emote} | ${}\n`; } embed.setDescription(desc); const msg = await $.channel.send({embed}); $.paginate(msg, $, pages.length, (page) => { let desc = ""; for (const emote of pagesSplit[page]) { desc += `${emote} | ${}\n`; } embed.setDescription(desc); msg.edit(embed); }); } });