/// @ts-nocheck import {URL} from "url"; import FileManager from "../../core/storage"; import Command from "../../core/command"; import {CommonLibrary, getContent} from "../../core/lib"; const endpoints = FileManager.read("endpoints"); export default new Command({ description: "Provides you with a random image with the selected argument.", async run($: CommonLibrary): Promise { console.log(endpoints.sfw); $.channel.send( `Please provide an image type. Available arguments:\n\`[${Object.keys(endpoints.sfw).join(", ")}]\`.` ); }, any: new Command({ description: "Image type to send.", async run($: CommonLibrary): Promise { if (!($.args[0] in endpoints.sfw)) return $.channel.send("Couldn't find that endpoint!"); let baseURL = "https://nekos.life/api/v2"; let url = new URL(`${baseURL}${endpoints.sfw[$.args[0]]}`); const content = await getContent(url.toString()); $.channel.send(content.url); } }) });