import {NamedCommand, RestCommand} from "../../core"; import {streamList} from "../../modules/streamNotifications"; export default new NamedCommand({ description: "Sets the description of your stream. You can embed links by writing `[some name](some link)`", async run({send, author, member}) { const userID =; if (streamList.has(userID)) { const stream = streamList.get(userID)!; stream.description = "No description set."; stream.update(); send(`Successfully set the stream description to:`, { embed: { description: "No description set.", color: member!.displayColor } }); } else { // Alternatively, I could make descriptions last outside of just one stream. send("You can only use this command when streaming."); } }, any: new RestCommand({ async run({send, author, member, combined}) { const userID =; if (streamList.has(userID)) { const stream = streamList.get(userID)!; stream.description = combined; stream.update(); send(`Successfully set the stream description to:`, { embed: { description: stream.description, color: member!.displayColor } }); } else { // Alternatively, I could make descriptions last outside of just one stream. send("You can only use this command when streaming."); } } }) });