import {MessageEmbed, Message, User, MessageActionRow, MessageButton} from "discord.js"; import {NamedCommand, RestCommand, poll, CHANNEL_TYPE, SendFunction, Command} from "onion-lasers"; import {SlashCommandBuilder} from "@discordjs/builders"; import {CommandInteraction} from "discord.js"; import {pluralise, parseDuration} from "../../lib"; export const header = new SlashCommandBuilder() .setDescription("Create a poll.") .addStringOption((option) => option.setName("question").setDescription("Question for the poll").setRequired(true)) .addIntegerOption((option) => option.setName("duration").setDescription("Duration of the poll in seconds.").setRequired(false) ); export async function handler(interaction: CommandInteraction) { const {options} = interaction; const question = options.getString("question", true); var duration = options.getInteger("duration", false); duration = parseDuration(duration + "s"); //override the duration variable with miliseconds one execSlashPoll(interaction, question, duration || 60000); } export default new NamedCommand({ description: "Create a poll.", usage: "() ", run: "Please provide a question.", channelType: CHANNEL_TYPE.GUILD, number: new Command({ run: "Please provide a question in addition to the provided duration.", any: new RestCommand({ description: "Question for the poll.", async run({send, message, author, args, combined}) { execPoll(send, message, author, combined, args[0] * 1000); } }) }), any: new RestCommand({ description: "Question for the poll.", async run({send, message, author, combined}) { execPoll(send, message, author, combined); } }) }); const AGREE = "✅"; const DISAGREE = "⛔"; async function execSlashPoll(interaction: CommandInteraction, question: string, duration = 60000) { const responseButtons = new MessageActionRow().addComponents( new MessageButton().setCustomId("agree").setLabel(AGREE).setStyle("SUCCESS"), new MessageButton().setCustomId("disagree").setLabel(DISAGREE).setStyle("DANGER") ); const icon = interaction.user.avatarURL({ dynamic: true, size: 2048 }) || interaction.user.defaultAvatarURL; const embed = new MessageEmbed() .setAuthor(`Poll created by ${interaction.user.username}`, icon) .setColor(0xffffff) .setFooter("Click the buttons to vote.") .setDescription(question) .addField(`${AGREE} -`, `${pluralise(0, "", "people have voted")}\n`) .addField(`${DISAGREE} -`, `${pluralise(0, "", "people have voted")}\n`); const msg = await interaction.reply({ embeds: [embed], components: [responseButtons] }); var idsArray: string[] = []; const collector ={time: duration}); collector?.on("collect", async (i) => { if (i.customId === "agree") { if (idsArray.includes( { i.reply({content: "You have already voted!", ephemeral: true}); } else { idsArray.push(; var agree = +1; embed.fields[0].value = `${pluralise(agree, "", "people who agree", "person who agrees")}\n`; interaction.editReply({embeds: [embed]}); i.reply({content: "You picked ✅!", ephemeral: true}); } } if (i.customId === "disagree") { if (idsArray.includes( { i.reply({content: "You have already voted!", ephemeral: true}); } else { idsArray.push(; var disagree = +1; embed.fields[1].value = `${pluralise(disagree, "", "people who disagree", "person who disagrees")}\n`; interaction.editReply({embeds: [embed]}); i.reply({content: "You picked ⛔!", ephemeral: true}); } } }); //This solution looks messy but works really well and stops from stuff like vote fraud happening. //I'm not sure if it's the best solution but if you have a better idea then please let me know. collector?.on("end", async (collected) => { embed.setTitle(`The results of ${interaction.user.username}'s poll:`); interaction.editReply({embeds: [embed]}); }); } async function execPoll(send: SendFunction, message: Message, user: User, question: string, duration = 60000) { const icon = user.avatarURL({ dynamic: true, size: 2048 }) || user.defaultAvatarURL; const msg = await send({ embeds: [ new MessageEmbed() .setAuthor(`Poll created by ${}`, icon) .setColor(0xffffff) .setFooter("React to vote.") .setDescription(question) ] }); const results = await poll(msg, [AGREE, DISAGREE], duration); send({ embeds: [ new MessageEmbed() .setAuthor(`The results of ${}'s poll:`, icon) .setTitle(question) .setDescription( `${AGREE} - ${pluralise( results[AGREE], "", "people who agree", "person who agrees" )}\n${DISAGREE} - ${pluralise( results[DISAGREE], "", "people who disagree", "person who disagrees" )}` ) ] }); msg.delete(); }