import {Command, NamedCommand, RestCommand} from "onion-lasers"; import moment from "moment"; import {User} from "../../lib"; import {MessageEmbed} from "discord.js"; export default new NamedCommand({ description: "Keep and edit your personal todo list.", async run({send, author}) { const user = new User(; const embed = new MessageEmbed().setTitle(`Todo list for ${author.tag}`).setColor("BLUE"); for (const [id, {entry, lastModified}] of user.getTodoEntries()) { embed.addField( `\`${id}\`: ${moment(lastModified).format("LT")} ${moment(lastModified).format("LL")} (${moment( lastModified ).fromNow()})`, entry ); } send({embeds: [embed]}); }, subcommands: { add: new NamedCommand({ run: "You need to specify a note to add.", any: new RestCommand({ async run({send, author, combined}) { new User(; send(`Successfully added \`${combined}\` to your todo list.`); } }) }), remove: new NamedCommand({ run: "You need to specify a note to remove.", number: new Command({ async run({send, author, args}) { const user = new User(; const success = user.removeTodoEntry(args[0]); if (success) { send(`Removed Note \`${args[0]}\` from your todo list.`); } else { send("That item couldn't be found."); } } }) }), clear: new NamedCommand({ async run({send, author}) { new User(; send("Cleared todo list."); } }) } });