import {Client, ClientEvents, Constants} from "discord.js"; import Storage from "./storage"; import $ from "./lib"; interface EventOptions { readonly on?: (...args: ClientEvents[K]) => void; readonly once?: (...args: ClientEvents[K]) => void; } export default class Event { private readonly on?: (...args: ClientEvents[K]) => void; private readonly once?: (...args: ClientEvents[K]) => void; constructor(options: EventOptions) { this.on = options.on; this.once = options.once; } // For this function, I'm going to assume that the event is used with the correct arguments and that the event tag is checked in "storage.ts". public attach(client: Client, event: K) { if (this.on) client.on(event, this.on); if (this.once) client.once(event, this.once); } } export async function loadEvents(client: Client) { for (const file of"dist/events", (filename: string) => filename.endsWith(".js") )) { const header = file.substring(0, file.indexOf(".js")); const event = (await import(`../events/${header}`)).default; if ((Object.values(Constants.Events) as string[]).includes(header)) { event.attach(client, header); $.log(`Loading Event: ${header}`); } else $.warn( `"${header}" is not a valid event type! Did you misspell it? (Note: If you fixed the issue, delete "dist" because the compiler won't automatically delete any extra files.)` ); } }