import Command from "../../../core/command"; import $ from "../../../core/lib"; import {Storage, getPrefix} from "../../../core/structures"; import {isAuthorized} from "./eco-utils"; import {ShopItems, ShopItem} from "./eco-shop-items"; import {EmbedField} from "discord.js"; export const ShopCommand = new Command({ description: "Displays the list of items you can buy in the shop.", async run({guild, channel, author}) { if (isAuthorized(guild, channel)) { function getShopEmbed(selection: ShopItem[], title = "Shop") { const fields: EmbedField[] = []; for (const item of selection) fields.push({ name: `**${item.title}** (${getPrefix(guild)}eco buy ${ item.usage })`, value: `${item.description} Costs ${$( item.cost ).pluralise("Mon", "s")}.`, inline: false }); return { embed: { color: 0xf1c40f, title: title, fields: fields, footer: { text: "Mon Shop | TravBot Services" } } }; } // In case there's just one page, omit unnecessary details. if (ShopItems.length <= 5) channel.send(getShopEmbed(ShopItems)); else { const shopPages = $(ShopItems).split(5); const pageAmount = shopPages.length; const msg = await channel.send( getShopEmbed(shopPages[0], `Shop (Page 1 of ${pageAmount})`) ); $.paginate(msg,, pageAmount, (page) => { msg.edit( getShopEmbed( shopPages[page], `Shop (Page ${page + 1} of ${pageAmount})` ) ); }); } } } }); export const BuyCommand = new Command({ description: "Buys an item from the shop.", usage: "", async run({guild, channel, args, message, author}) { if (isAuthorized(guild, channel)) { let found = false; let amount = 1; // The amount the user is buying. // For now, no shop items support being bought multiple times. Uncomment these 2 lines when it's supported/needed. //if (/\d+/g.test(args[args.length - 1])) //amount = parseInt(args.pop()); let requested = args.join(" "); // The item the user is buying. for (let item of ShopItems) { if (item.usage === requested) { const user = Storage.getUser(; const cost = item.cost * amount; if (cost > { channel.send("Not enough Mons!"); } else { -= cost;;, cost, amount); } found = true; break; } } if (!found) channel.send( `There's no item in the shop that goes by \`${requested}\`!` ); } } });