import {Command, NamedCommand, RestCommand} from "../../core"; import {Message, Channel, TextChannel} from "discord.js"; import {processEmoteQueryArray} from "./modules/emote-utils"; export default new NamedCommand({ description: "Reacts to the a previous message in your place. You have to react with the same emote before the bot removes that reaction.", usage: 'react ()', run: "You need to enter some emotes first.", any: new RestCommand({ async run({send, message, channel, guild, author, member, client, args}) { let target: Message | undefined; let distance = 1; if (message.reference) { // If the command message is a reply to another message, use that as the react target. target = await channel.messages.fetch(message.reference.messageID!); } // handles reacts by message id/distance else if (args.length >= 2) { const last = args[args.length - 1]; // Because this is optional, do not .pop() unless you're sure it's a message link indicator. const URLPattern = /^(?:https:\/\/\/channels\/(\d{17,})\/(\d{17,})\/(\d{17,}))$/; const copyIDPattern = /^(?:(\d{17,})-(\d{17,}))$/; // ("Copy Message Link" Button) if (URLPattern.test(last)) { const match = URLPattern.exec(last)!; const guildID = match[1]; const channelID = match[2]; const messageID = match[3]; let tmpChannel: Channel | undefined = channel; if (guild?.id !== guildID) { try { guild = await client.guilds.fetch(guildID); } catch { return send(`\`${guildID}\` is an invalid guild ID!`); } } if ( !== channelID) tmpChannel = guild.channels.cache.get(channelID); if (!tmpChannel) return send(`\`${channelID}\` is an invalid channel ID!`); if ( !== messageID) { try { target = await (tmpChannel as TextChannel).messages.fetch(messageID); } catch { return send(`\`${messageID}\` is an invalid message ID!`); } } args.pop(); } // - ("Copy ID" Button) else if (copyIDPattern.test(last)) { const match = copyIDPattern.exec(last)!; const channelID = match[1]; const messageID = match[2]; let tmpChannel: Channel | undefined = channel; if ( !== channelID) tmpChannel = guild?.channels.cache.get(channelID); if (!tmpChannel) return send(`\`${channelID}\` is an invalid channel ID!`); if ( !== messageID) { try { target = await (tmpChannel as TextChannel).messages.fetch(messageID); } catch { return send(`\`${messageID}\` is an invalid message ID!`); } } args.pop(); } // else if (/^\d{17,}$/.test(last)) { try { target = await channel.messages.fetch(last); } catch { return send(`No valid message found by the ID \`${last}\`!`); } args.pop(); } // The entire string has to be a number for this to match. Prevents leaCheeseAmerican1 from triggering this. else if (/^\d+$/.test(last)) { distance = parseInt(last); if (distance >= 0 && distance <= 99) args.pop(); else return send("Your distance must be between 0 and 99!"); } } if (!target) { // Messages are ordered from latest to earliest. // You also have to add 1 as well because fetchMessages includes your own message. target = ( await{ limit: distance + 1 }) ).last(); } for (const emote of processEmoteQueryArray(args)) { // Even though the bot will always grab *some* emote, the user can choose not to keep that emote there if it isn't what they want const reaction = await target!.react(emote); // This part is called with a promise because you don't want to wait 5 seconds between each reaction. setTimeout(() => { // This reason for this null assertion is that by the time you use this command, the client is going to be loaded. reaction.users.remove(client.user!); }, 5000); } return; } }) });