import {Command, NamedCommand, RestCommand} from "../../core"; const letters: {[letter: string]: string[]} = { a: "aáàảãạâấầẩẫậăắằẳẵặ".split(""), e: "eéèẻẽẹêếềểễệ".split(""), i: "iíìỉĩị".split(""), o: "oóòỏõọôốồổỗộơớờởỡợ".split(""), u: "uúùủũụưứừửữự".split(""), y: "yýỳỷỹỵ".split(""), d: "dđ".split("") }; function transform(str: string) { let out = ""; for (const c of str) { const token = c.toLowerCase(); const isUpperCase = token !== c; if (token in letters) { const set = letters[token]; const add = set[Math.floor(Math.random() * set.length)]; out += isUpperCase ? add.toUpperCase() : add; } else { out += c; } } return out; } let phrase = "I have no currently set phrase!"; export default new NamedCommand({ description: "Transforms your text into vietnamese.", usage: "thonk ([text])", async run({send, message, channel, guild, author, member, client, args}) { const msg = await send(transform(phrase)); msg.createReactionCollector( (reaction, user) => { if ( === && === "❌") msg.delete(); return false; }, {time: 60000} ); }, any: new RestCommand({ async run({send, message, channel, guild, author, member, client, args, combined}) { const msg = await send(transform(combined)); msg.createReactionCollector( (reaction, user) => { if ( === && === "❌") msg.delete(); return false; }, {time: 60000} ); } }) });