import {NamedCommand, RestCommand, CHANNEL_TYPE} from "onion-lasers"; import {TextChannel, NewsChannel, Permissions} from "discord.js"; import {searchNearestEmote} from "../utility/modules/emote-utils"; import {resolveWebhook} from "../../modules/webhookStorageManager"; import {parseVarsCallback} from "../../lib"; // Description // // This is the message-based counterpart to the react command, which replicates Nitro's ability to send emotes in messages. // This takes advantage of webhooks' ability to change the username and avatar per request. // Uses "@user says:" as a fallback in case no webhook is set for the channel. // Limitations / Points of Interest // // - Webhooks can fetch any emote in existence and use it as long as it hasn't been deleted. // - The emote name from <:name:id> DOES matter if the user isn't part of that guild. That's the fallback essentially, otherwise, it doesn't matter. // - The animated flag must be correct. <:name:id> on an animated emote will make it not animated, will display an invalid image. // - Rate limits for webhooks shouldn't be that big of an issue (5 requests every 2 seconds). export default new NamedCommand({ aliases: ["s"], channelType: CHANNEL_TYPE.GUILD, description: "Repeats your message with emotes in /slashes/.", usage: "", run: "Please provide a message for me to say!", any: new RestCommand({ description: "Message to repeat.", async run({send, channel, author, member, message, combined, guild}) { const webhook = await resolveWebhook(channel as TextChannel | NewsChannel); if (webhook) { const resolvedMessage = resolveMessageWithEmotes(combined); if (resolvedMessage) webhook.send(resolvedMessage, { username: member!.nickname ?? author.username, // Webhooks cannot have animated avatars, so requesting the animated version is a moot point. avatarURL: author.avatarURL({ format: "png" }) || author.defaultAvatarURL, allowedMentions: {parse: []}, // avoids double pings // "embeds" will not be included because it messes with the default ones that generate files: message.attachments.array() }); else send("Cannot send an empty message."); } else { const resolvedMessage = resolveMessageWithEmotes(combined); if (resolvedMessage) send(`*${author} says:*\n${resolvedMessage}`, {allowedMentions: {parse: []}}); else send("Cannot send an empty message."); } if (guild!.me?.permissions.has(Permissions.FLAGS.MANAGE_MESSAGES)) message.delete(); } }) }); const FETCH_EMOTE_PATTERN = /^(\d{17,})(?: ([^ ]+?))?(?: (a))?$/; // Send extra emotes only for webhook messages (because the bot user can't fetch any emote in existence while webhooks can). function resolveMessageWithEmotes(text: string, extraEmotes?: null): string { return parseVarsCallback( text, (variable) => { if (FETCH_EMOTE_PATTERN.test(variable)) { // Although I *could* make this ping the CDN to see if gif exists to see whether it's animated or not, it'd take too much time to wait on it. // Plus, with the way this function is setup, I wouldn't be able to incorporate a search without changing the function to async. const [_, id, name, animated] = FETCH_EMOTE_PATTERN.exec(variable)!; return `<${animated ?? ""}:${name ?? "_"}:${id}>`; } return searchNearestEmote(variable); }, "/" ); }