import {NamedCommand, RestCommand} from "onion-lasers"; import {MessageEmbed} from "discord.js"; import {find} from "weather-js"; export default new NamedCommand({ description: "Shows weather info of specified location.", run: "You need to provide a city.", any: new RestCommand({ async run({send, combined}) { find( { search: combined, degreeType: "C" }, function (error, result) { if (error) return send(error.toString()); if (result.length === 0) return send("No city found by that name."); var current = result[0].current; var location = result[0].location; const embed = new MessageEmbed() .setDescription(`**${current.skytext}**`) .setAuthor(`Weather for ${current.observationpoint}`) .setThumbnail(current.imageUrl) .setColor(0x00ae86) .addField("Timezone", `UTC${location.timezone}`, true) .addField("Degree Type", "C", true) .addField("Temperature", `${current.temperature} Degrees`, true) .addField("Feels like", `${current.feelslike} Degrees`, true) .addField("Winds", current.winddisplay, true) .addField("Humidity", `${current.humidity}%`, true); return send({ embeds: [embed] }); } ); } }) });