import {Webhook, TextChannel, NewsChannel, Permissions, Collection} from "discord.js"; import {client} from ".."; import {Config} from "../structures"; export const webhookStorage = new Collection(); // Channel ID: Webhook const WEBHOOK_PATTERN = /https:\/\/discord\.com\/api\/webhooks\/(\d{17,})\/(.+)/; const ID_PATTERN = /(\d{17,})/; // Resolve any available webhooks available for a selected channel. export async function resolveWebhook(channel: TextChannel | NewsChannel): Promise { if ( { const webhooksInChannel = await channel.fetchWebhooks(); if (webhooksInChannel.size > 0) return webhooksInChannel.first()!; else return null; } for (const [channelID, webhook] of webhookStorage.entries()) if ( === channelID) return webhook; return null; } export function registerWebhook(url: string): boolean { if (WEBHOOK_PATTERN.test(url)) { const [_, id, token] = WEBHOOK_PATTERN.exec(url)!; Config.webhooks[id] = token;; refreshWebhookCache(); return true; } else { return false; } } export function deleteWebhook(urlOrID: string): boolean { let id: string | null = null; if (WEBHOOK_PATTERN.test(urlOrID)) id = WEBHOOK_PATTERN.exec(urlOrID)![1]; else if (ID_PATTERN.test(urlOrID)) id = ID_PATTERN.exec(urlOrID)![1]; if (id) { delete Config.webhooks[id];; refreshWebhookCache(); } return !!id; } // This will return the target channel of a webhook create/edit/delete event. // No permission is needed to receive this event, but since you only get the target channel, all stored webhooks must be fetched again. // You can't rely on guilds giving the bot the manage webhooks permission. client.on("webhookUpdate", refreshWebhookCache); client.on("ready", refreshWebhookCache); // Reload webhook objects from the storage. export async function refreshWebhookCache(): Promise { webhookStorage.clear(); for (const [id, token] of Object.entries(Config.webhooks)) { // If there are stored webhook IDs/tokens that don't work, delete those webhooks from storage. try { const webhook = await client.fetchWebhook(id, token); webhookStorage.set(webhook.channelID, webhook); } catch { delete Config.webhooks[id];; } } }