import {Client, Permissions} from "discord.js"; import $, {unreact} from "./core/lib"; import setup from "./setup"; import FileManager from "./core/storage"; import {Config, Storage} from "./core/structures"; (async() => { // Setup // await setup.init(); const client = new Client(); const commands = await FileManager.loadCommands(); client.login(Config.token).catch(setup.again); client.on("message", async message => { // Message Setup // if( return; const prefix = Storage.getGuild(message.guild?.id || "N/A").prefix || Config.prefix; if(!message.content.startsWith(prefix)) return; const [header, ...args] = message.content.substring(prefix.length).split(/ +/); if(!commands.has(header)) return; if( === "text" && ! || "")?.has(Permissions.FLAGS.SEND_MESSAGES)) { let status; if(message.member?.hasPermission(Permissions.FLAGS.ADMINISTRATOR)) status = "Because you're a server admin, you have the ability to change that channel's permissions to match if that's what you intended."; else status = "Try using a different channel or contacting a server admin to change permissions of that channel if you think something's wrong."; return`I don't have permission to send messages in ${}. ${status}`); } $.log(`${}#${} executed the command "${header}" with arguments "${args}".`); // Subcommand Recursion // let command = commands.get(header); if(!command) return $.warn(`Command "${header}" was called but for some reason it's still undefined!`); const params: any[] = []; let isEndpoint = false; for(let param of args) { if(command.endpoint) { if(command.subcommands || command.user || command.number || command.any) $.warn(`An endpoint cannot have subcommands! Check ${prefix}${header} again.`); isEndpoint = true; break; } if(command.subcommands?.[param]) command = command.subcommands[param]; // Any Discord ID format will automatically format to a user ID. else if(command.user && (/\d{17,19}/.test(param))) { const id = param.match(/\d+/g)![0]; command = command.user; try {params.push(await client.users.fetch(id))} catch(error) {return`No user found by the ID \`${id}\`!`)} } // Disallow infinity and allow for 0. else if(command.number && (Number(param) || param === "0") && !param.includes("Infinity")) { command = command.number; params.push(Number(param)); } else if(command.any) { command = command.any; params.push(param); } else params.push(param); } if(isEndpoint) return"Too many arguments!"); // Execute with dynamic library attached. // // The purpose of using $.bind($) is to clone the function so as to not modify the original $. // The cloned function doesn't copy the properties, so Object.assign() is used. // Object.assign() modifies the first element and returns that, the second element applies its properties and the third element applies its own overriding the second one. command.execute(Object.assign($.bind($), { args: params, author:, channel:, client: client, guild: message.guild, member: message.member, message: message }, $)); }); client.once("ready", () => { if(client.user) { $.ready(`Logged in as ${client.user.username}#${client.user.discriminator}.`); client.user.setActivity({ type: "LISTENING", name: `${Config.prefix}help` }); } }); client.on("messageReactionRemove", unreact); })()