import fs from "fs"; import $ from "./lib"; import {Collection} from "discord.js"; import Command, {template} from "../core/command"; let commands: Collection|null = null; const Storage = { read(header: string): object {"data"); const path = `data/${header}.json`; let data = {}; if(fs.existsSync(path)) { const file = fs.readFileSync(path, "utf-8"); try { data = JSON.parse(file); } catch(error) { if(process.argv[2] !== "dev") { $.warn(`Malformed JSON data (header: ${header}), backing it up.`, file); fs.writeFile(`${path}.backup`, file, generateHandler(`Backup file of "${header}" successfully written as ${file}.`)); } } } return data; }, write(header: string, data: object, asynchronous = true) {"data"); const path = `data/${header}.json`; if(process.argv[2] === "dev" || header === "config") { const result = JSON.stringify(data, null, '\t'); if(asynchronous) fs.writeFile(path, result, generateHandler(`"${header}" sucessfully spaced and written.`)); else fs.writeFileSync(path, result); } else { const result = JSON.stringify(data); if(asynchronous) fs.writeFile(path, result, generateHandler(`"${header}" sucessfully written.`)); else fs.writeFileSync(path, result); } }, open(path: string, filter?: (value: string, index: number, array: string[]) => unknown): string[] { if(!fs.existsSync(path)) fs.mkdirSync(path); let directory = fs.readdirSync(path); if(filter) directory = directory.filter(filter); return directory; }, close(path: string) { if(fs.existsSync(path) && fs.readdirSync(path).length === 0) fs.rmdir(path, generateHandler(`"${path}" successfully closed.`)); }, /** Returns the cache of the commands if it exists and searches the directory if not. */ async loadCommands(): Promise> { if(commands) return commands; if(process.argv[2] === "dev" && !fs.existsSync("src/commands/test.ts")) fs.writeFile("src/commands/test.ts", template, generateHandler('"test.ts" (testing/template command) successfully generated.')); commands = new Collection(); for(const file of"dist/commands", (filename: string) => filename.endsWith(".js"))) { const header = file.substring(0, file.indexOf(".js")); const command = (await import(`../commands/${header}`)).default; commands.set(header, command); $.log("Loading Command:", header); } return commands; } }; function generateHandler(message: string) { return (error: Error|null) => { if(error) $.error(error); else $.debug(message); }; }; export default Storage;