import Command from "../core/command"; import {CommonLibrary} from "../core/lib"; import FileManager from "../core/storage"; const types = ["user", "number", "any"]; export default new Command({ description: "Lists all commands. If a command is specified, their arguments are listed as well.", usage: "([command, [subcommand/type], ...])", async run($: CommonLibrary): Promise { const commands = await FileManager.loadCommands(); const list: string[] = []; for(const [header, command] of commands) if(header !== "test") list.push(`- \`${header}\` - ${command.description}`); const outList = list.length > 0 ? `\n${list.join('\n')}` : " None"; $.channel.send(`Legend: \`\`, \`[list/of/subcommands]\`, \`(optional)\`, \`()\`, \`([optional/list/...])\`\nCommands:${outList}`, {split: true}); }, any: new Command({ async run($: CommonLibrary): Promise { const commands = await FileManager.loadCommands(); let header = $.args.shift(); let command = commands.get(header); if(!command || header === "test") $.channel.send(`No command found by the name \`${header}\`!`); else { let usage = command.usage; for(const param of $.args) { header += ` ${param}`; if(/<\w+>/g.test(param)) { const type = param.match(/\w+/g)[0]; command = command[type]; if(types.includes(type) && command?.usage) usage = command.usage; else { command = undefined; break; } } else if(command?.subcommands?.[param]) { command = command.subcommands[param]; if(command.usage !== "") usage = command.usage; } else { command = undefined; break; } } if(!command) return $.channel.send(`No command found by the name \`${header}\`!`); let append = ""; if(usage === "") { const list: string[] = []; for(const subtag in command.subcommands) { const subcmd = command.subcommands[subtag]; const customUsage = subcmd.usage ? ` ${subcmd.usage}` : ""; list.push(`- \`${header} ${subtag}${customUsage}\` - ${subcmd.description}`); } for(const type of types) { if(command[type]) { const cmd = command[type]; const customUsage = cmd.usage ? ` ${cmd.usage}` : ""; list.push(`- \`${header} <${type}>${customUsage}\` - ${cmd.description}`); } } append = "Usages:" + (list.length > 0 ? `\n${list.join('\n')}` : " None."); } else append = `Usage: \`${header} ${usage}\``; $.channel.send(`Command: \`${header}\`\nDescription: ${command.description}\n${append}`, {split: true}); } } }) });