// Library for Discord-specific functions import { Message, Guild, GuildMember, Permissions, TextChannel, DMChannel, NewsChannel, MessageOptions } from "discord.js"; import {unreactEventListeners, replyEventListeners} from "./eventListeners"; export type SingleMessageOptions = MessageOptions & {split?: false}; /** * Tests if a bot has a certain permission in a specified guild. */ export function botHasPermission(guild: Guild | null, permission: number): boolean { return !!guild?.me?.hasPermission(permission); } // Maybe promisify this section to reduce the potential for creating callback hell? Especially if multiple questions in a row are being asked. // Pagination function that allows for customization via a callback. // Define your own pages outside the function because this only manages the actual turning of pages. /** * Takes a message and some additional parameters and makes a reaction page with it. All the pagination logic is taken care of but nothing more, the page index is returned and you have to send a callback to do something with it. */ export async function paginate( channel: TextChannel | DMChannel | NewsChannel, senderID: string, total: number, callback: (page: number, hasMultiplePages: boolean) => SingleMessageOptions, duration = 60000 ) { const hasMultiplePages = total > 1; const message = await channel.send(callback(0, hasMultiplePages)); if (hasMultiplePages) { let page = 0; const turn = (amount: number) => { page += amount; if (page < 0) page += total; else if (page >= total) page -= total; message.edit(callback(page, true)); }; const BACKWARDS_EMOJI = "⬅️"; const FORWARDS_EMOJI = "➡️"; const handle = (emote: string, reacterID: string) => { if (senderID === reacterID) { switch (emote) { case BACKWARDS_EMOJI: turn(-1); break; case FORWARDS_EMOJI: turn(1); break; } } }; // Listen for reactions and call the handler. let backwardsReaction = await message.react(BACKWARDS_EMOJI); let forwardsReaction = await message.react(FORWARDS_EMOJI); unreactEventListeners.set(message.id, handle); const collector = message.createReactionCollector( (reaction, user) => { if (user.id === senderID) { // The reason this is inside the call is because it's possible to switch a user's permissions halfway and suddenly throw an error. // This will dynamically adjust for that, switching modes depending on whether it currently has the "Manage Messages" permission. const canDeleteEmotes = botHasPermission(message.guild, Permissions.FLAGS.MANAGE_MESSAGES); handle(reaction.emoji.name, user.id); if (canDeleteEmotes) reaction.users.remove(user); collector.resetTimer(); } return false; }, // Apparently, regardless of whether you put "time" or "idle", it won't matter to the collector. // In order to actually reset the timer, you have to do it manually via collector.resetTimer(). {time: duration} ); // When time's up, remove the bot's own reactions. collector.on("end", () => { unreactEventListeners.delete(message.id); backwardsReaction.users.remove(message.author); forwardsReaction.users.remove(message.author); }); } } // Waits for the sender to either confirm an action or let it pass (and delete the message). // This should probably be renamed to "confirm" now that I think of it, "prompt" is better used elsewhere. // Append "\n*(This message will automatically be deleted after 10 seconds.)*" in the future? /** * Prompts the user about a decision before following through. */ export async function prompt(message: Message, senderID: string, onConfirm: () => void, duration = 10000) { let isDeleted = false; message.react("✅"); await message.awaitReactions( (reaction, user) => { if (user.id === senderID) { if (reaction.emoji.name === "✅") { onConfirm(); isDeleted = true; message.delete(); } } // CollectorFilter requires a boolean to be returned. // My guess is that the return value of awaitReactions can be altered by making a boolean filter. // However, because that's not my concern with this command, I don't have to worry about it. // May as well just set it to false because I'm not concerned with collecting any reactions. return false; }, {time: duration} ); if (!isDeleted) message.delete(); } // Asks the user for some input using the inline reply feature. The message here is a message you send beforehand. // If the reply is rejected, reply with an error message (when stable support comes from discord.js). // Append "\n*(Note: Make sure to use Discord's inline reply feature or this won't work!)*" in the future? And also the "you can now reply to this message" edit. export function ask( message: Message, senderID: string, condition: (reply: string) => boolean, onSuccess: () => void, onReject: () => string, timeout = 60000 ) { const referenceID = `${message.channel.id}-${message.id}`; replyEventListeners.set(referenceID, (reply) => { if (reply.author.id === senderID) { if (condition(reply.content)) { onSuccess(); replyEventListeners.delete(referenceID); } else { reply.reply(onReject()); } } }); setTimeout(() => { replyEventListeners.set(referenceID, (reply) => { reply.reply("that action timed out, try using the command again"); replyEventListeners.delete(referenceID); }); }, timeout); } export function askYesOrNo(message: Message, senderID: string, timeout = 30000): Promise { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { let isDeleted = false; await message.react("✅"); message.react("❌"); await message.awaitReactions( (reaction, user) => { if (user.id === senderID) { const isCheckReacted = reaction.emoji.name === "✅"; if (isCheckReacted || reaction.emoji.name === "❌") { resolve(isCheckReacted); isDeleted = true; message.delete(); } } return false; }, {time: timeout} ); if (!isDeleted) { message.delete(); reject("Prompt timed out."); } }); } // This MUST be split into an array. These emojis are made up of several characters each, adding up to 29 in length. const multiNumbers = ["1️⃣", "2️⃣", "3️⃣", "4️⃣", "5️⃣", "6️⃣", "7️⃣", "8️⃣", "9️⃣", "🔟"]; // This will bring up an option to let the user choose between one option out of many. // This definitely needs a single callback alternative, because using the numerical version isn't actually that uncommon of a pattern. export async function askMultipleChoice( message: Message, senderID: string, callbackStack: (() => void)[], timeout = 90000 ) { if (callbackStack.length > multiNumbers.length) { message.channel.send( `\`ERROR: The amount of callbacks in "askMultipleChoice" must not exceed the total amount of allowed options (${multiNumbers.length})!\`` ); return; } let isDeleted = false; for (let i = 0; i < callbackStack.length; i++) { await message.react(multiNumbers[i]); } await message.awaitReactions( (reaction, user) => { if (user.id === senderID) { const index = multiNumbers.indexOf(reaction.emoji.name); if (index !== -1) { callbackStack[index](); isDeleted = true; message.delete(); } } return false; }, {time: timeout} ); if (!isDeleted) message.delete(); } /** * Gets a user by their username. Gets the first one then rolls with it. */ export async function getMemberByUsername(guild: Guild, username: string) { return ( await guild.members.fetch({ query: username, limit: 1 }) ).first(); } /** * Convenience function to handle cases where someone isn't found by a username automatically. */ export async function callMemberByUsername( message: Message, username: string, onSuccess: (member: GuildMember) => void ) { const guild = message.guild; const send = message.channel.send; if (guild) { const member = await getMemberByUsername(guild, username); if (member) onSuccess(member); else send(`Couldn't find a user by the name of \`${username}\`!`); } else send("You must execute this command in a server!"); } // TO DO Section // // getGuildByID() - checks for guild.available (boolean) // getGuildByName() // findMemberByNickname() - gets a member by their nickname or their username // findUserByUsername() // For "get x by y" methods: // Caching: All guilds, channels, and roles are fully cached, while the caches for messages, users, and members aren't complete. // It's more reliable to get users/members by fetching their IDs. fetch() will searching through the cache anyway.