import {Client, Permissions, Message, TextChannel, DMChannel, NewsChannel} from "discord.js"; import {loadableCommands} from "./loader"; import {defaultMetadata} from "./command"; import {getPrefix} from "./interface"; // For custom message events that want to cancel the command handler on certain conditions. const interceptRules: ((message: Message) => boolean)[] = [(message) =>]; export function addInterceptRule(handler: (message: Message) => boolean) { interceptRules.push(handler); } const lastCommandInfo: { header: string; args: string[]; channel: TextChannel | DMChannel | NewsChannel | null; } = { header: "N/A", args: [], channel: null }; // Note: client.user is only undefined before the bot logs in, so by this point, client.user cannot be undefined. // Note: guild.available will never need to be checked because the message starts in either a DM channel or an already-available guild. export function attachMessageHandlerToClient(client: Client) { client.on("message", async (message) => { for (const shouldIntercept of interceptRules) { if (shouldIntercept(message)) { return; } } const commands = await loadableCommands; const {author, channel, content, guild, member} = message; const text = content; const menu = { author, channel, client, guild, member, message, args: [] }; // Execute a dedicated block for messages in DM channels. if (channel.type === "dm") { // In a DM channel, simply forget about the prefix and execute any message as a command. const [header, ...args] = text.split(/ +/); if (commands.has(header)) { const command = commands.get(header)!; // Set last command info in case of unhandled rejections. lastCommandInfo.header = header; lastCommandInfo.args = [...args]; = channel; // Send the arguments to the command to resolve and execute. const result = await command.execute(args, menu, { header, args: [...args], ...defaultMetadata }); // If something went wrong, let the user know (like if they don't have permission to use a command). if (result) { channel.send(result); } } else { channel.send( `I couldn't find the command or alias that starts with \`${header}\`. To see the list of commands, type \`help\`` ); } } // Continue if the bot has permission to send messages in this channel. else if (channel.permissionsFor(client.user!)!.has(Permissions.FLAGS.SEND_MESSAGES)) { const prefix = getPrefix(guild); // First, test if the message is just a ping to the bot. if (new RegExp(`^<@!?${client.user!.id}>$`).test(text)) { channel.send(`${author}, my prefix on this server is \`${prefix}\`.`); } // Then check if it's a normal command. else if (text.startsWith(prefix)) { const [header, ...args] = text.substring(prefix.length).split(/ +/); if (commands.has(header)) { const command = commands.get(header)!; // Set last command info in case of unhandled rejections. lastCommandInfo.header = header; lastCommandInfo.args = [...args]; = channel; // Send the arguments to the command to resolve and execute. const result = await command.execute(args, menu, { header, args: [...args], ...defaultMetadata }); // If something went wrong, let the user know (like if they don't have permission to use a command). if (result) { channel.send(result); } } } } // Otherwise, let the sender know that the bot doesn't have permission to send messages. else { author.send( `I don't have permission to send messages in ${channel}. ${ member!.hasPermission(Permissions.FLAGS.ADMINISTRATOR) ? "Because you're a server admin, you have the ability to change that channel's permissions to match if that's what you intended." : "Try using a different channel or contacting a server admin to change permissions of that channel if you think something's wrong." }` ); } }); } process.on("unhandledRejection", (reason: any) => { if (reason?.name === "DiscordAPIError") { console.error(`Command Error: ${lastCommandInfo.header} (${lastCommandInfo.args.join(", ")})\n${reason.stack}`); `There was an error while trying to execute that command!\`\`\`${reason.stack}\`\`\`` ); } });