import {Command, NamedCommand, loadableCommands, categories, getPermissionName, CHANNEL_TYPE} from "../../core"; import {toTitleCase, requireAllCasesHandledFor} from "../../lib"; export default new NamedCommand({ description: "Lists all commands. If a command is specified, their arguments are listed as well.", usage: "([command, [subcommand/type], ...])", aliases: ["h"], async run({message, channel, guild, author, member, client, args}) { const commands = await loadableCommands; let output = `Legend: \`\`, \`[list/of/stuff]\`, \`(optional)\`, \`()\`, \`([optional/list/...])\``; for (const [category, headers] of categories) { let tmp = `\n\n===[ ${toTitleCase(category)} ]===`; // Ignore empty categories, including ["test"]. let hasActualCommands = false; for (const header of headers) { if (header !== "test") { const command = commands.get(header)!; tmp += `\n- \`${header}\`: ${command.description}`; hasActualCommands = true; } } if (hasActualCommands) output += tmp; } channel.send(output, {split: true}); }, any: new Command({ async run({message, channel, guild, author, member, client, args}) { // Setup the root command const commands = await loadableCommands; let header = args.shift() as string; let command = commands.get(header); if (!command || header === "test") return channel.send(`No command found by the name \`${header}\`.`); if (!(command instanceof NamedCommand)) return channel.send(`Command is not a proper instance of NamedCommand.`); if ( header =; // Search categories let category = "Unknown"; for (const [referenceCategory, headers] of categories) { if (headers.includes(header)) { category = toTitleCase(referenceCategory); break; } } // Gather info const result = await command.resolveInfo(args); if (result.type === "error") return channel.send(result.message); let append = ""; command = result.command; if (result.args.length > 0) header += " " + result.args.join(" "); if (command.usage === "") { const list: string[] = []; for (const [tag, subcommand] of result.keyedSubcommandInfo) { const customUsage = subcommand.usage ? ` ${subcommand.usage}` : ""; list.push(`- \`${header} ${tag}${customUsage}\` - ${subcommand.description}`); } for (const [type, subcommand] of result.subcommandInfo) { const customUsage = subcommand.usage ? ` ${subcommand.usage}` : ""; list.push(`- \`${header} ${type}${customUsage}\` - ${subcommand.description}`); } append = "Usages:" + (list.length > 0 ? `\n${list.join("\n")}` : " None."); } else { append = `Usage: \`${header} ${command.usage}\``; } let aliases = "N/A"; if (command instanceof NamedCommand) { const formattedAliases: string[] = []; for (const alias of command.aliases) formattedAliases.push(`\`${alias}\``); // Short circuit an empty string, in this case, if there are no aliases. aliases = formattedAliases.join(", ") || "None"; } return channel.send( `Command: \`${header}\`\nAliases: ${aliases}\nCategory: \`${category}\`\nPermission Required: \`${getPermissionName( result.permission )}\` (${result.permission})\nChannel Type: ${getChannelTypeName(result.channelType)}\nNSFW Only: ${ result.nsfw ? "Yes" : "No" }\nDescription: ${command.description}\n${append}`, {split: true} ); } }) }); function getChannelTypeName(type: CHANNEL_TYPE): string { switch (type) { case CHANNEL_TYPE.ANY: return "Any"; case CHANNEL_TYPE.GUILD: return "Guild Only"; case CHANNEL_TYPE.DM: return "DM Only"; default: requireAllCasesHandledFor(type); } }