import {Command, NamedCommand} from "../../core"; import {MessageEmbed} from "discord.js"; // Anycasting Alert const urban = require("relevant-urban"); export default new NamedCommand({ description: "Gives you a definition of the inputted word.", async run({message, channel, guild, author, member, client, args}) { if (!args[0]) { channel.send("Please input a word."); } const res = await urban(args.join(" ")).catch((e: Error) => { return channel.send("Sorry, that word was not found."); }); const embed = new MessageEmbed() .setColor(0x1d2439) .setTitle(res.word) .setURL(res.urbanURL) .setDescription(`**Definition:**\n*${res.definition}*\n\n**Example:**\n*${res.example}*`) .addField("Author",, true) .addField("Rating", `**\`Upvotes: ${res.thumbsUp} | Downvotes: ${res.thumbsDown}\`**`); if (res.tags.length > 0 && res.tags.join(" ").length < 1024) { embed.addField("Tags", res.tags.join(", "), true); } channel.send(embed); } });