import {client} from "../../../index"; // Calculate and match the list of emotes against the queried emote, then sort the IDs based on calculated priority. export function queryClosestEmoteByName(query: string) { const priorityTable: {[id: string]: number} = {}; for (const emote of client.emojis.cache.values()) priorityTable[] = compareEmoteNames(, query); const resultingIDs = Object.keys(priorityTable).sort((a, b) => priorityTable[b] - priorityTable[a]); return client.emojis.cache.get(resultingIDs[0])!; } // Compare an emote's name against a query to see how alike the two are. The higher the number, the closer they are. Takes into account length and capitalization. function compareEmoteNames(emote: string, query: string) { let likeness = -Math.abs(emote.length - query.length); const isQueryLonger = query.length > emote.length; // Loop through all indexes that the two strings share then compare each letter. for (let i = 0; i < (isQueryLonger ? emote.length : query.length); i++) { const c = emote[i]; const q = query[i]; // If they're the exact same character if (c === q) likeness += 3; // If the query is uppercase but the emote is lowercase else if (c === q.toLowerCase()) likeness += 2; // If the query is lowercase but the emote is uppercase else if (c === q.toUpperCase()) likeness += 1; // Otherwise, if they're different characters, don't add anything (this isn't a spellchecker) } return likeness; }