import Command from '../../core/command'; import { CommonLibrary } from '../../core/lib'; export default new Command({ description: "Renames current voice channel.", usage: "", async run($: CommonLibrary): Promise { const voiceChannel = $.message.member?; if (!voiceChannel) return $.channel.send('You are not in a voice channel.'); if (!$.guild?.me?.hasPermission('MANAGE_CHANNELS')) return $.channel.send( 'I am lacking the required permissions to perform this action.', ); if ($.args.length === 0) return $.channel.send( 'Please provide a new voice channel name.', ); const changeVC = $.guild.channels.resolve(; $.channel .send( `Changed channel name from "${voiceChannel}" to "${$.args.join( ' ', )}".`, ) /// @ts-ignore .then(changeVC?.setName($.args.join(' '))); } })