import {existsSync as exists} from "fs"; import inquirer from "inquirer"; import Storage from "./core/storage"; import {Config} from "./core/structures"; import $, {setConsoleActivated} from "./core/lib"; // This file is called (or at least should be called) automatically as long as a config file doesn't exist yet. // And that file won't be written until the data is successfully initialized. const prompts = [{ type: "password", name: "token", message: "What's your bot's token?", mask: true }, { type: "input", name: "prefix", message: "What do you want your bot's prefix to be?", default: "$" }, { type: "input", name: "owner", message: "Enter the owner's user ID here." }, { type: "input", name: "admins", message: "Enter a list of bot admins (by their IDs) separated by spaces." }, { type: "input", name: "support", message: "Enter a list of bot troubleshooters (by their IDs) separated by spaces." }]; export default { async init() { while(!exists("data/config.json")) { const answers = await inquirer.prompt(prompts);"data"); Config.token = answers.token as string; Config.prefix = answers.prefix as string; Config.owner = answers.owner as string; const admins = (answers.admins as string); Config.admins = admins !== "" ? admins.split(" ") : []; const support = ( as string); = support !== "" ? support.split(" ") : [];; } }, /** Prompt the user to set their token again. */ async again() { $.error("It seems that the token you provided is invalid."); setConsoleActivated(false); const answers = await inquirer.prompt(prompts.slice(0, 1)); Config.token = answers.token as string;; process.exit(); } };