Added more type guards/properties to Command class

This commit is contained in:
WatDuhHekBro 2021-04-04 17:28:32 -05:00
parent f650faee89
commit 63441b4aca
3 changed files with 126 additions and 81 deletions

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@ -1,10 +1,30 @@
import {parseVars} from "./lib";
import {parseVars, requireAllCasesHandledFor} from "./lib";
import {Collection} from "discord.js";
import {Client, Message, TextChannel, DMChannel, NewsChannel, Guild, User, GuildMember} from "discord.js";
import {getPrefix} from "../core/structures";
import {SingleMessageOptions} from "./libd";
import {hasPermission, getPermissionLevel, getPermissionName} from "./permissions";
export enum TYPES {
// Callbacks don't work with discriminated unions:
// -
// -
// Therefore, there won't by any type narrowing on channel or guild of CommandMenu until this is fixed.
// Otherwise, you'd have to define channelType for every single subcommand, which would get very tedious.
// Just use type assertions when you specify a channel type.
export enum CHANNEL_TYPE {
interface CommandMenu {
args: any[];
client: Client;
@ -12,52 +32,70 @@ interface CommandMenu {
channel: TextChannel | DMChannel | NewsChannel;
guild: Guild | null;
author: User;
// According to the documentation, a message can be part of a guild while also not having a
// member object for the author. This will happen if the author of a message left the guild.
member: GuildMember | null;
interface CommandOptions {
interface CommandOptionsBase {
description?: string;
endpoint?: boolean;
usage?: string;
permission?: number;
aliases?: string[];
nsfw?: boolean;
channelType?: CHANNEL_TYPE;
run?: (($: CommandMenu) => Promise<any>) | string;
subcommands?: {[key: string]: Command};
interface CommandOptionsEndpoint {
endpoint: true;
// Prevents subcommands from being added by compile-time.
interface CommandOptionsNonEndpoint {
endpoint?: false;
subcommands?: {[key: string]: NamedCommand};
user?: Command;
number?: Command;
any?: Command;
enum TYPES {
type CommandOptions = CommandOptionsBase & (CommandOptionsEndpoint | CommandOptionsNonEndpoint);
type NamedCommandOptions = CommandOptions & {aliases?: string[]};
export default class Command {
// RegEx patterns used for identifying/extracting each type from a string argument.
const patterns = {
export class Command {
public readonly description: string;
public readonly endpoint: boolean;
public readonly usage: string;
public readonly permission: number; // -1 (default) indicates to inherit, 0 is the lowest rank, 1 is second lowest rank, and so on.
public readonly aliases: string[]; // This is to keep the array intact for parent Command instances to use. It'll also be used when loading top-level aliases.
public originalCommandName: string | null; // If the command is an alias, what's the original name?
public run: (($: CommandMenu) => Promise<any>) | string;
public readonly subcommands: Collection<string, Command>; // This is the final data structure you'll actually use to work with the commands the aliases point to.
public user: Command | null;
public number: Command | null;
public any: Command | null;
public readonly nsfw: boolean;
public readonly channelType: CHANNEL_TYPE;
protected run: (($: CommandMenu) => Promise<any>) | string;
protected readonly subcommands: Collection<string, Command>; // This is the final data structure you'll actually use to work with the commands the aliases point to.
protected user: Command | null;
protected number: Command | null;
protected any: Command | null;
public static readonly CHANNEL_TYPE = CHANNEL_TYPE;
constructor(options?: CommandOptions) {
this.description = options?.description || "No description.";
this.endpoint = options?.endpoint || false;
this.usage = options?.usage || "";
this.endpoint = !!options?.endpoint;
this.usage = options?.usage ?? "";
this.permission = options?.permission ?? -1;
this.aliases = options?.aliases ?? [];
this.originalCommandName = null;
this.nsfw = !!options?.nsfw;
this.channelType = options?.channelType ?? CHANNEL_TYPE.ANY; = options?.run || "No action was set on this command!";
this.subcommands = new Collection(); // Populate this collection after setting subcommands.
this.user = null;
this.number = null;
this.any = null;
if (options && !options.endpoint) {
this.user = options?.user || null;
this.number = options?.number || null;
this.any = options?.any || null;
@ -88,21 +126,7 @@ export default class Command {
if (this.user && this.user.aliases.length > 0)
`There are aliases defined for a "user"-type subcommand, but those aliases won't be used. (Look at the next "Loading Command" line to see which command is affected.)`
if (this.number && this.number.aliases.length > 0)
`There are aliases defined for a "number"-type subcommand, but those aliases won't be used. (Look at the next "Loading Command" line to see which command is affected.)`
if (this.any && this.any.aliases.length > 0)
`There are aliases defined for an "any"-type subcommand, but those aliases won't be used. (Look at the next "Loading Command" line to see which command is affected.)`
public execute($: CommandMenu) {
@ -120,23 +144,18 @@ export default class Command {
} else$).catch(handler.bind($));
// Go through the arguments provided and find the right subcommand, then execute with the given arguments.
// Will return null if it successfully executes, SingleMessageOptions if there's an error (to let the user know what it is).
public async actualExecute(args: string[], tmp: any): Promise<SingleMessageOptions | null> {
// For debug info, use this.originalCommandName?
// Subcommand Recursion //
let command = commands.get(header)!;
let command: Command = new Command(); // = commands.get(header)!;
const params: any[] = [];
let isEndpoint = false;
let permLevel = command.permission ?? 0;
for (const param of args) {
if (command.endpoint) {
if (command.subcommands.size > 0 || command.user || command.number || command.any)
console.warn("An endpoint cannot have subcommands!");
isEndpoint = true;
const type = command.resolve(param);
command = command.get(param);
permLevel = command.permission ?? permLevel;
@ -181,7 +200,7 @@ export default class Command {
return null;
public resolve(param: string): TYPES {
private resolve(param: string): TYPES {
if (this.subcommands.has(param)) return TYPES.SUBCOMMAND;
// Any Discord ID format will automatically format to a user ID.
else if (this.user && /\d{17,19}/.test(param)) return TYPES.USER;
@ -191,33 +210,35 @@ export default class Command {
else return TYPES.NONE;
public get(param: string): Command {
private get(param: string): Command {
const type = this.resolve(param);
let command: Command;
switch (type) {
command = this.subcommands.get(param) as Command;
command = this.subcommands.get(param)!;
command = this.user as Command;
command = this.user!;
command = this.number as Command;
command = this.number!;
command = this.any as Command;
command = this.any!;
command = this;
return command;
// Returns: [category, command name, command, available subcommands: [type, subcommand]]
public resolveCommandInfo(args: string[]): [string, string, Command, Collection<string, Command>] {
public async resolveInfo(args: string[]): [string, string, Command, Collection<string, Command>] | null {
const commands = await loadableCommands;
let header = args.shift();
let command = commands.get(header);
@ -253,6 +274,7 @@ export default class Command {
if (permLevel === -1) permLevel = command.permission;
// Switch over to doing `$help info <user>`
switch (type) {
header += ` ${command.originalCommandName}`;
@ -266,9 +288,11 @@ export default class Command {
header += " <any>";
header += ` ${param}`;
if (type === TYPES.NONE) {
@ -284,6 +308,17 @@ export default class Command {
export class NamedCommand extends Command {
public readonly aliases: string[]; // This is to keep the array intact for parent Command instances to use. It'll also be used when loading top-level aliases.
public originalCommandName: string | null; // If the command is an alias, what's the original name?
constructor(options?: NamedCommandOptions) {
this.aliases = options?.aliases || [];
this.originalCommandName = null;
// If you use promises, use this function to display the error in chat.
// Case #1: await $.channel.send(""); --> Automatically caught by Command.execute().
// Case #2: $.channel.send("").catch(handler.bind($)); --> Manually caught by the user.

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@ -224,3 +224,13 @@ export function split<T>(array: T[], lengthOfEachSection: number): T[][] {
return sections;
* Utility function to require all possible cases to be handled at compile time.
* To use this function, place it in the "default" case of a switch statement or the "else" statement of an if-else branch.
* If all cases are handled, the variable being tested for should be of type "never", and if it isn't, that means not all cases are handled yet.
export function requireAllCasesHandledFor(variable: never): never {
throw new Error(`This function should never be called but got the value: ${variable}`);

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import {Collection} from "discord.js";
import glob from "glob";
import Command from "./command";
import {Command, NamedCommand} from "./command";
// Internally, it'll keep its original capitalization. It's up to you to convert it to title case when you make a help command.
export const categories = new Collection<string, string[]>();
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ export const loadableCommands = (async () => {
// If the dynamic import works, it must be an object at the very least. Then, just test to see if it's a proper instance.
const command = (await import(`../commands/${commandID}`)).default as unknown;
if (command instanceof Command) {
if (command instanceof NamedCommand) {
command.originalCommandName = commandName;
if (commands.has(commandName)) {
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ export const loadableCommands = (async () => {
console.log(`Loading Command: ${commandID}`);
} else {
console.warn(`Command "${commandID}" has no default export which is a Command instance!`);
console.warn(`Command "${commandID}" has no default export which is a NamedCommand instance!`);