This is a brief overview that'll describe where and how to add new features to TravBot. For more details on specific functions, head over to the [documentation]( TravBot uses the [Onion Lasers Command Handler]( to load and setup commands. Also, if you ever want to see the definition of a function or its surrounding types and you're using VSCode, put your cursor at the word you want to go to and press `[F12]`.
2.`npm run dev`*(runs the TypeScript compiler in watch mode, meaning any changes you make to the code will automatically reload the bot)*
*Note: Make sure to avoid using `npm run build`! This will remove all your dev dependencies (in order to reduce space used). Instead, use `npm run once` to compile and build in non-dev mode.*
If the feature you want to add isn't specifically a command, or the change you're making involves adding event listeners, go to `src/modules` and create a file. Code written here won't be automatically loaded, so make sure to open [src/index.ts](../src/index.ts) and add an import statement at the bottom.
Rather than have an `events` folder which contains dynamically loaded events, you add an event listener directly via `client.on("...", () => {})`. *([See why if you're curious.](* The client can be imported from the index file.