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import {NamedCommand, RestCommand} from "onion-lasers";
import figlet from "figlet";
import {Util} from "discord.js";
import {SlashCommandBuilder} from "@discordjs/builders";
import {CommandInteraction} from "discord.js";
export const header = new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription("Generates a figlet of your input.")
.addStringOption((option) =>
option.setName("text").setDescription("Text used to create the figlet.").setRequired(true)
export async function handler(interaction: CommandInteraction) {
const {options} = interaction;
return interaction.reply(
figlet.textSync(options.getString("text", true), {
horizontalLayout: "full"
export default new NamedCommand({
description: "Generates a figlet of your input.",
run: "You have to provide input for me to create a figlet!",
any: new RestCommand({
async run({send, combined}) {
return send(
figlet.textSync(combined, {
horizontalLayout: "full"