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import {get} from "https";
import {join} from "path";
import {existsSync, mkdirSync} from "fs";
import {Guild as DiscordGuild} from "discord.js";
import {Guild} from "./defs/guild";
// Instantiating a class has the same effect as a SELECT statement.
// Through getters/setters, it saves basically through INSERT statements.
// new User(<id that doesn't exist>) will create a new entry in the Users table.
export {config} from "./defs/config";
export {User} from "./defs/user";
export {Guild} from "./defs/guild";
export {Member} from "./defs/member";
export {EmoteRegistryDump, EmoteRegistryDumpEntry} from "./defs/emoteRegistry";
* Splits a command by spaces while accounting for quotes which capture string arguments.
* - `\"` = `"`
* - `\\` = `\`
export function parseArgs(line: string): string[] {
let result = [];
let selection = "";
let inString = false;
let isEscaped = false;
for (const c of line) {
if (isEscaped) {
if (['"', "\\"].includes(c)) selection += c;
else selection += "\\" + c;
isEscaped = false;
} else if (c === "\\") isEscaped = true;
else if (c === '"') inString = !inString;
else if (c === " " && !inString) {
selection = "";
} else selection += c;
if (selection.length > 0) result.push(selection);
return result;
* Allows you to store a template string with variable markers and parse it later.
* - Use `%name%` for variables
* - `%%` = `%`
* - If the invalid token is null/undefined, nothing is changed.
2021-05-06 13:30:51 +00:00
export function parseVars(
line: string,
definitions: {[key: string]: string},
delimiter = "%",
invalid: string | null = ""
): string {
let result = "";
let inVariable = false;
let token = "";
for (const c of line) {
2021-05-06 13:30:51 +00:00
if (c === delimiter) {
if (inVariable) {
2021-05-06 13:30:51 +00:00
if (token === "") result += delimiter;
else {
if (token in definitions) result += definitions[token];
else if (invalid === null) result += `%${token}%`;
else result += invalid;
token = "";
inVariable = !inVariable;
} else if (inVariable) token += c;
else result += c;
return result;
2021-05-06 13:30:51 +00:00
export function parseVarsCallback(line: string, callback: (variable: string) => string, delimiter = "%"): string {
let result = "";
let inVariable = false;
let token = "";
for (const c of line) {
if (c === delimiter) {
if (inVariable) {
if (token === "") result += delimiter;
else {
result += callback(token);
token = "";
inVariable = !inVariable;
} else if (inVariable) token += c;
else result += c;
return result;
2021-05-17 18:48:38 +00:00
export function clean(text: unknown) {
if (typeof text === "string")
return text.replace(/`/g, "`" + String.fromCharCode(8203)).replace(/@/g, "@" + String.fromCharCode(8203));
else return text;
export function trimArray(arr: any, maxLen = 10) {
if (arr.length > maxLen) {
const len = arr.length - maxLen;
arr = arr.slice(0, maxLen);
arr.push(`${len} more...`);
return arr;
export function formatBytes(bytes: any) {
if (bytes === 0) return "0 Bytes";
const sizes = ["Bytes", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB"];
const i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(1024));
return `${parseFloat((bytes / Math.pow(1024, i)).toFixed(2))} ${sizes[i]}`;
export function getContent(url: string): Promise<{url: string}> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
get(url, (res) => {
const {statusCode} = res;
if (statusCode !== 200) {
reject(`Request failed. Status code: ${statusCode}`);
let rawData = "";
res.on("data", (chunk: string) => {
rawData += chunk;
res.on("end", () => {
try {
const parsedData = JSON.parse(rawData);
} catch (e) {
let errorMessage = "Something went wrong! We don't know what, though...";
if (e instanceof Error) {
errorMessage = e.message;
reject(`Error: ${errorMessage}`);
}).on("error", (err: {message: any}) => {
reject(`Error: ${err.message}`);
// A 50% chance would be "Math.random() < 0.5" because Math.random() can be [0, 1), so to make two equal ranges, you'd need [0, 0.5)U[0.5, 1).
// Similar logic would follow for any other percentage. Math.random() < 1 is always true (100% chance) and Math.random() < 0 is always false (0% chance).
export const Random = {
num: (min: number, max: number) => Math.random() * (max - min) + min,
int: (min: number, max: number) => Math.floor(Random.num(min, max)),
chance: (decimal: number) => Math.random() < decimal,
sign: (number = 1) => number * (Random.chance(0.5) ? -1 : 1),
deviation: (base: number, deviation: number) => Random.num(base - deviation, base + deviation)
2020-12-15 01:44:28 +00:00
* Pluralises a word and chooses a suffix attached to the root provided.
* - pluralise("credit", "s") = credit/credits
* - pluralise("part", "ies", "y") = party/parties
* - pluralise("sheep") = sheep
2020-12-15 01:44:28 +00:00
export function pluralise(value: number, word: string, plural = "", singular = "", excludeNumber = false): string {
let result = excludeNumber ? "" : `${value} `;
2020-12-15 01:44:28 +00:00
if (value === 1) result += word + singular;
else result += word + plural;
2020-12-15 01:44:28 +00:00
return result;
* Pluralises a word for changes.
* - (-1).pluraliseSigned() = '-1 credits'
* - (0).pluraliseSigned() = '+0 credits'
* - (1).pluraliseSigned() = '+1 credit'
2020-12-15 01:44:28 +00:00
export function pluraliseSigned(
value: number,
word: string,
plural = "",
singular = "",
excludeNumber = false
): string {
const sign = value >= 0 ? "+" : "";
return `${sign}${pluralise(value, word, plural, singular, excludeNumber)}`;
2020-12-15 01:44:28 +00:00
export function replaceAll(text: string, before: string, after: string): string {
while (text.indexOf(before) !== -1) text = text.replace(before, after);
return text;
2020-12-15 01:44:28 +00:00
export function toTitleCase(text: string): string {
return text.replace(/([^\W_]+[^\s-]*) */g, (txt) => txt.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + txt.substr(1).toLowerCase());
2020-12-15 01:44:28 +00:00
/** Returns a random element from this array. */
export function random<T>(array: T[]): T {
return array[Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length)];
2020-12-15 01:44:28 +00:00
* Splits up this array into a specified length.
* `$([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]).split(3)` = `[[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9],[10]]`
export function split<T>(array: T[], lengthOfEachSection: number): T[][] {
const amountOfSections = Math.ceil(array.length / lengthOfEachSection);
const sections = new Array<T[]>(amountOfSections);
2020-12-15 01:44:28 +00:00
for (let index = 0; index < amountOfSections; index++)
sections[index] = array.slice(index * lengthOfEachSection, (index + 1) * lengthOfEachSection);
2020-12-15 01:44:28 +00:00
return sections;
2020-12-15 01:44:28 +00:00
* Utility function to require all possible cases to be handled at compile time.
* To use this function, place it in the "default" case of a switch statement or the "else" statement of an if-else branch.
* If all cases are handled, the variable being tested for should be of type "never", and if it isn't, that means not all cases are handled yet.
export function requireAllCasesHandledFor(variable: never): never {
throw new Error(`This function should never be called but got the value: ${variable}`);
* Provide a path to create folders for.
* `createPath("data", "public", "tmp")` creates `<root>/data/public/tmp`
export function createPath(...path: string[]): void {
let currentPath = ""; // path.join ignores empty strings
for (const folder of path) {
currentPath = join(currentPath, folder);
if (!existsSync(currentPath)) {
* Get the current prefix of the guild or the bot's prefix if none is found.
export function getPrefix(guild?: DiscordGuild | null): string {
if (guild) {
const possibleGuildPrefix = new Guild(;
// Here, lossy comparison works in our favor because you wouldn't want an empty string to trigger the prefix.
if (possibleGuildPrefix) {
return possibleGuildPrefix;
return process.env.PREFIX || "$";