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import {parseVars, requireAllCasesHandledFor} from "./lib";
2020-12-15 01:44:28 +00:00
import {Collection} from "discord.js";
import {Client, Message, TextChannel, DMChannel, NewsChannel, Guild, User, GuildMember, GuildChannel} from "discord.js";
2020-12-15 01:44:28 +00:00
import {getPrefix} from "../core/structures";
import {SingleMessageOptions} from "./libd";
import {hasPermission, getPermissionLevel, getPermissionName} from "./permissions";
import {client} from "../index";
2020-10-15 09:23:24 +00:00
export enum TYPES {
// RegEx patterns used for identifying/extracting each type from a string argument.
const patterns = {
channel: /^<#(\d{17,19})>$/,
role: /^<@&(\d{17,19})>$/,
emote: /^<a?:.*?:(\d{17,19})>$/,
message: /(?:\d{17,19}\/(\d{17,19})\/(\d{17,19})$)|(?:^(\d{17,19})-(\d{17,19})$)/,
user: /^<@!?(\d{17,19})>$/,
id: /^(\d{17,19})$/
// Callbacks don't work with discriminated unions:
// -
// -
// Therefore, there won't by any type narrowing on channel or guild of CommandMenu until this is fixed.
// Otherwise, you'd have to define channelType for every single subcommand, which would get very tedious.
// Just use type assertions when you specify a channel type.
export enum CHANNEL_TYPE {
interface CommandMenu {
readonly args: any[];
readonly client: Client;
readonly message: Message;
readonly channel: TextChannel | DMChannel | NewsChannel;
readonly guild: Guild | null;
readonly author: User;
// According to the documentation, a message can be part of a guild while also not having a
// member object for the author. This will happen if the author of a message left the guild.
readonly member: GuildMember | null;
interface CommandOptionsBase {
readonly description?: string;
readonly endpoint?: boolean;
readonly usage?: string;
readonly permission?: number;
readonly nsfw?: boolean;
readonly channelType?: CHANNEL_TYPE;
readonly run?: (($: CommandMenu) => Promise<any>) | string;
interface CommandOptionsEndpoint {
readonly endpoint: true;
// Prevents subcommands from being added by compile-time.
interface CommandOptionsNonEndpoint {
readonly endpoint?: false;
readonly subcommands?: {[key: string]: NamedCommand};
readonly user?: Command;
readonly number?: Command;
readonly any?: Command;
type CommandOptions = CommandOptionsBase & (CommandOptionsEndpoint | CommandOptionsNonEndpoint);
type NamedCommandOptions = CommandOptions & {aliases?: string[]};
2020-10-15 09:23:24 +00:00
interface ExecuteCommandMetadata {
readonly header: string;
readonly args: string[];
permission: number;
nsfw: boolean;
channelType: CHANNEL_TYPE;
export class Command {
2020-12-15 01:44:28 +00:00
public readonly description: string;
public readonly endpoint: boolean;
public readonly usage: string;
2021-03-30 10:54:52 +00:00
public readonly permission: number; // -1 (default) indicates to inherit, 0 is the lowest rank, 1 is second lowest rank, and so on.
public readonly nsfw: boolean | null; // null (default) indicates to inherit
public readonly channelType: CHANNEL_TYPE | null; // null (default) indicates to inherit
protected run: (($: CommandMenu) => Promise<any>) | string;
protected readonly subcommands: Collection<string, Command>; // This is the final data structure you'll actually use to work with the commands the aliases point to.
protected user: Command | null;
protected number: Command | null;
protected any: Command | null;
public static readonly CHANNEL_TYPE = CHANNEL_TYPE;
2020-12-15 01:44:28 +00:00
constructor(options?: CommandOptions) {
this.description = options?.description || "No description.";
this.endpoint = !!options?.endpoint;
this.usage = options?.usage ?? "";
2021-03-30 10:54:52 +00:00
this.permission = options?.permission ?? -1;
this.nsfw = options?.nsfw ?? null;
this.channelType = options?.channelType ?? null;
2020-12-15 01:44:28 +00:00 = options?.run || "No action was set on this command!";
this.subcommands = new Collection(); // Populate this collection after setting subcommands.
this.user = null;
this.number = null;
this.any = null;
if (options && !options.endpoint) {
this.user = options?.user || null;
this.number = options?.number || null;
this.any = options?.any || null;
if (options?.subcommands) {
const baseSubcommands = Object.keys(options.subcommands);
// Loop once to set the base subcommands.
for (const name in options.subcommands) this.subcommands.set(name, options.subcommands[name]);
// Then loop again to make aliases point to the base subcommands and warn if something's not right.
// This shouldn't be a problem because I'm hoping that JS stores these as references that point to the same object.
for (const name in options.subcommands) {
const subcmd = options.subcommands[name];
subcmd.originalCommandName = name;
const aliases = subcmd.aliases;
for (const alias of aliases) {
if (baseSubcommands.includes(alias))
`"${alias}" in subcommand "${name}" was attempted to be declared as an alias but it already exists in the base commands! (Look at the next "Loading Command" line to see which command is affected.)`
else if (this.subcommands.has(alias))
`Duplicate alias "${alias}" at subcommand "${name}"! (Look at the next "Loading Command" line to see which command is affected.)`
else this.subcommands.set(alias, subcmd);
2020-12-15 01:44:28 +00:00
2020-10-15 09:23:24 +00:00
// Go through the arguments provided and find the right subcommand, then execute with the given arguments.
// Will return null if it successfully executes, SingleMessageOptions if there's an error (to let the user know what it is).
public async execute(
args: string[],
menu: CommandMenu,
metadata: ExecuteCommandMetadata
): Promise<SingleMessageOptions | null> {
const param = args.shift();
// If there are no arguments left, execute the current command. Otherwise, continue on.
if (!param) {
// See if there is anything that'll prevent the user from executing the command.
// 1. Does this command specify a required channel type? If so, does the channel type match?
if (
metadata.channelType === CHANNEL_TYPE.GUILD &&
(!( instanceof GuildChannel) || menu.guild === null)
) {
return {content: "This command must be executed in a server."};
} else if (
metadata.channelType === CHANNEL_TYPE.DM &&
( !== "dm" || menu.guild !== null)
) {
return {content: "This command must be executed as a direct message."};
// 2. Is this an NSFW command where the channel prevents such use? (DM channels bypass this requirement.)
if (metadata.nsfw && !== "dm" && ! {
return {content: "This command must be executed in either an NSFW channel or as a direct message."};
// 3. Does the user have permission to execute the command?
if (!hasPermission(, menu.member, metadata.permission)) {
const userPermLevel = getPermissionLevel(, menu.member);
return {
content: `You don't have access to this command! Your permission level is \`${getPermissionName(
)}\` (${userPermLevel}), but this command requires a permission level of \`${getPermissionName(
)}\` (${metadata.permission}).`
// Then capture any potential errors.
try {
if (typeof === "string") {
prefix: getPrefix(menu.guild)
} else {
return null;
} catch (error) {
const errorMessage = error.stack ?? error;
console.error(`Command Error: ${metadata.header} (${metadata.args})\n${errorMessage}`);
return {
content: `There was an error while trying to execute that command!\`\`\`${errorMessage}\`\`\``
// If the current command is an endpoint but there are still some arguments left, don't continue.
if (this.endpoint) return {content: "Too many arguments!"};
// If the current command's permission level isn't -1 (inherit), then set the permission metadata equal to that.
if (this.permission !== -1) metadata.permission = this.permission;
// If the current command has an NSFW setting specified, set it.
if (this.nsfw !== null) metadata.nsfw = this.nsfw;
// If the current command doesn't inherit its channel type, set it.
if (this.channelType !== null) metadata.channelType = this.channelType;
2020-10-15 09:23:24 +00:00
// Resolve the value of the current command's argument (adding it to the resolved args),
// then pass the thread of execution to whichever subcommand is valid (if any).
if (this.subcommands.has(param)) {
return this.subcommands.get(param)!.execute(args, menu, metadata);
} else if (this.user && patterns.user.test(param)) {
const id = patterns.user.exec(param)![1];
2020-12-15 01:44:28 +00:00
try {
menu.args.push(await client.users.fetch(id));
return this.user.execute(args, menu, metadata);
} catch {
return {
content: `No user found by the ID \`${id}\`!`
} else if (this.number && !Number.isNaN(Number(param)) && param !== "Infinity" && param !== "-Infinity") {
return this.number.execute(args, menu, metadata);
} else if (this.any) {
return this.any.execute(args, menu, metadata);
} else {
// Continue adding on the rest of the arguments if there's no valid subcommand.
return this.execute(args, menu, metadata);
2020-12-15 01:44:28 +00:00
// Note: Do NOT add a return statement here. In case one of the other sections is missing
// a return statement, there'll be a compile error to catch that.
export class NamedCommand extends Command {
public readonly aliases: string[]; // This is to keep the array intact for parent Command instances to use. It'll also be used when loading top-level aliases.
public originalCommandName: string | null; // If the command is an alias, what's the original name?
constructor(options?: NamedCommandOptions) {
this.aliases = options?.aliases || [];
this.originalCommandName = null;
2020-12-15 01:44:28 +00:00
// Returns: [category, command name, command, available subcommands: [type, subcommand]]
public async resolveInfo(args: string[]): [string, string, Command, Collection<string, Command>] | null {
// For debug info, use this.originalCommandName? (if it exists?)
const commands = await loadableCommands;
let header = args.shift();
let command = commands.get(header);
2020-12-15 01:44:28 +00:00
if (!command || header === "test") {
$.channel.send(`No command found by the name \`${header}\`!`);
2020-12-15 01:44:28 +00:00
if (command.originalCommandName) header = command.originalCommandName;
else console.warn(`originalCommandName isn't defined for ${header}?!`);
2020-12-15 01:44:28 +00:00
let permLevel = command.permission ?? 0;
let usage = command.usage;
let invalid = false;
let selectedCategory = "Unknown";
for (const [category, headers] of categories) {
if (headers.includes(header)) {
if (selectedCategory !== "Unknown")
`Command "${header}" is somehow in multiple categories. This means that the command loading stage probably failed in properly adding categories.`
else selectedCategory = toTitleCase(category);
2020-12-15 01:44:28 +00:00
2020-10-15 09:23:24 +00:00
for (const param of args) {
const type = command.resolve(param);
command = command.get(param);
permLevel = command.permission ?? permLevel;
2020-10-15 09:23:24 +00:00
if (permLevel === -1) permLevel = command.permission;
// Switch over to doing `$help info <user>`
switch (type) {
header += ` ${command.originalCommandName}`;
header += " <user>";
header += " <number>";
header += " <any>";
header += ` ${param}`;
if (type === TYPES.NONE) {
invalid = true;
if (invalid) {
$.channel.send(`No command found by the name \`${header}\`!`);
2020-07-26 01:14:11 +00:00