
168 lines
3.9 KiB

package pm.j4.kerosene;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import net.fabricmc.api.ModInitializer;
import net.fabricmc.fabric.api.client.event.lifecycle.v1.ClientTickEvents;
import net.fabricmc.loader.api.FabricLoader;
import net.fabricmc.loader.api.ModContainer;
import net.fabricmc.loader.api.metadata.ModMetadata;
import net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient;
import net.minecraft.client.options.KeyBinding;
import net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer;
import pm.j4.kerosene.modules.ExampleModule;
import pm.j4.kerosene.modules.bindings.BindingManager;
import pm.j4.kerosene.modules.list.ModList;
import pm.j4.kerosene.modules.splash.SplashText;
import pm.j4.kerosene.modules.xray.Xray;
import pm.j4.kerosene.util.config.ConfigHolder;
import pm.j4.kerosene.util.config.ConfigManager;
import pm.j4.kerosene.util.module.ModuleBase;
// petroleum module checklist
// [ ] xray (lol)
// [ ] combat stuff. killaura, anti knockback, etc
// [ ] render stuff. tracers, nametags
// [ ] wurst taco. but a fish
// [ ] elytra fly
// [ ] movement stuff. nofall, jesus, speed
// [ ] elytra bhop
// [ ] boatfly
// [ ] anti anti cheat
* The type Petroleum mod.
public class PetroleumMod implements ModInitializer {
* The Mod data.
public static ModMetadata modData = null;
* The constant client.
private static MinecraftClient client;
* The constant activeMods.
private static final List<ModuleBase> activeMods = Arrays.asList(
new SplashText(),
new ModMenu(),
new ModList(),
new BindingManager(),
new ExampleModule(),
new Xray()
* Is active boolean.
* @param modName the mod name
* @return the boolean
public static boolean isActive(String modName) {
return -> mod.getModuleName().equals(modName));
* Gets mod.
* @param modName the mod name
* @return the mod
public static Optional<ModuleBase> getMod(String modName) {
return -> mod.getModuleName().equals(modName)).findFirst();
* Gets active mods.
* @return the active mods
public static List<ModuleBase> getActiveMods() {
return activeMods;
* The constant registeredBinds.
private static final List<KeyBinding> registeredBinds = new ArrayList<>();
* Add bind.
* @param b the b
public static void addBind(KeyBinding b) {
* Remove bind.
* @param b the b
public static void removeBind(KeyBinding b) {
* Gets active keybinds.
* @return the active keybinds
public static List<KeyBinding> getActiveKeybinds() {
return registeredBinds;
* Gets server address.
* @return the server address
public static String getServerAddress() {
if (client != null && client.getServer() != null) {
IntegratedServer server = client.getServer();
if (!server.isRemote()) {
return "localhost";
if (server.isRemote() && !server.getServerIp().isEmpty()) {
return server.getServerIp();
return null;
public void onInitialize() {
// always update mod data
Optional<ModContainer> modContainer = FabricLoader.getInstance().getModContainer("petroleum");
modContainer.ifPresent(container -> modData = container.getMetadata());
Optional<ConfigHolder> conf = ConfigManager.getConfig();
//initialize any keybinds, data, etc.
//initialize keybind handler
conf.ifPresent(configHolder -> ClientTickEvents.END_CLIENT_TICK.register(client -> {
if (PetroleumMod.client != client) {
PetroleumMod.client = client;
for (KeyBinding b : PetroleumMod.getActiveKeybinds()) {
while (b.wasPressed()) {