const dotenv = require("dotenv"); dotenv.config(); const { URL, URLSearchParams } = require("url"); const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); const key = process.env.STEAM_API_KEY; let appIds = {}; async function makeReq(cursor) { const fetch = await import("node-fetch"); const url = new URL( "" ); const searchParams = new URLSearchParams({ key, "community_item_classes[0]": 14, }); if (cursor !== null) searchParams.set("cursor", cursor); // pagination = searchParams; const req = await fetch.default(url); const json = await req.json(); return json.response; } async function getAppInfo(appid) { if (appIds[appid]) { return appIds[appid]; } const fetch = await import("node-fetch"); const url = new URL( "" ); // what the fuck this is a hack // todo: paginate all app info and store it instead of querying the api 447 times const searchParams = new URLSearchParams({ key, last_appid: parseInt(appid) - 1, max_results: 1, }); = searchParams; const req = await fetch.default(url); const json = await req.json(); appIds[appid] = json.response.apps[0]; return json.response.apps[0]; } async function main() { const borders = []; let cursor = null; let total = 0; let done = 0; while (true) { const json = await makeReq(cursor); cursor = json.next_cursor; total = json.total_count; if (json.count === 0) break; // found all borders for (const border of json.definitions) { const appid = border.appid; const name = border.community_item_data.item_name; const community_item_type = border.community_item_type; const filename_large = border.community_item_data.item_image_large; if (filename_large == "c05c0155855b74c28e0f6e9417d4afa3c99d76ef.png") { console.log(border); } const filename_small = border.community_item_data.item_image_small; const appInfo = await getAppInfo(appid); const borderURL = `${appid}`; if (filename_large != undefined) { borders.push({ name: `${name}-LARGE`, borderURL: `${borderURL}/${filename_large}`, itemType: community_item_type, appInfo, }); } if (filename_small != undefined) { borders.push({ name: `${name}-SMALL`, borderURL: `${borderURL}/${filename_small}`, itemType: community_item_type, appInfo, }); } done++; console.log(`${done}/${total}`); } } const cwd = process.cwd(); const filePath = path.join( cwd, cwd.includes("util") ? ".." : "", "util/border_data.json" ); fs.writeFileSync(filePath, JSON.stringify(borders)); } main();