const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); const Prisma = require("@prisma/client"); const prisma = new Prisma.PrismaClient(); console.log("processing new border images"); const cwd = process.cwd(); const folder = path.join( cwd, cwd.includes("util") ? ".." : "", "public/images" ); const list = fs.readdirSync(folder); let catalogue = async () => { let numAdded = 0; for (let item of list) { // console.log(item); const result = await prisma.borderImage.findFirst({ where: { imageName: item, }, }); if (!result && item == "default.png") { const added = await prisma.borderImage.create({ data: { id: 0, imageName: item, borderName: "Default", itemType: 54, }, }); numAdded++; console.log(added); } else if (!result) { const added = await prisma.borderImage.create({ data: { imageName: item, appName: "Manually added", }, }); numAdded++; console.log(added); } } console.log(`Processed ${numAdded} new images.`); }; let download = async () => { const fetch = await import("node-fetch"); const filePath = path.join( cwd, cwd.includes("util") ? ".." : "", "util/border_data.json" ); const json_data = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(filePath)); let numAdded = 0; for (let key in json_data) { let value = json_data[key]; if (!value) continue; const filename_regex = /https:\/\/\/steamcommunity\/public\/images\/items\/\d+\/\/?(.+\.(a?png|gif))/gi; const file_match = filename_regex.exec(value.borderURL); if (!file_match || file_match == null) { console.error("MATCH ERROR", value.borderURL); } const filename = file_match[1].replace("apng", "png"); if (!list.includes(filename)) { console.log("N", filename); setTimeout(async () => { let data = await fetch.default(value.borderURL); data.body.pipe(fs.createWriteStream(path.join(folder, filename))); }, key * 100); } const result = await prisma.borderImage.findFirst({ where: { imageName: filename, }, }); if ( result?.appId != value.appInfo.appid || result?.appName != || result?.borderName != ) { const added = await prisma.borderImage.upsert({ create: { imageName: filename, appId: value.appInfo.appid, appName:, borderName:, itemType: value.itemType, }, update: { imageName: filename, appId: value.appInfo.appid, appName:, borderName:, itemType: value.itemType, }, where: { imageName: filename, }, }); // console.log(added); numAdded++; } } console.log(`Upserted ${numAdded} values.`); }; download().then(() => { catalogue().then(() => { console.log("done."); console.log("waiting for image catch up to finish..."); }); });