2023-04-12 08:07:52 +08:00

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<title>redirection on uweb browser: unlimited power</title>
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<title>Resource redirection</title>
<pubDate>Tue, 11 Apr 2023 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Global redirection Global redirection is enabled with the setting option &amp;quot;Resource redirection&amp;quot;.
When a valid global redirection url is set, the &amp;quot;default.redirect&amp;quot; has no effect, and any url resource is fetched with the new url by appending the original url to the global redirection url.
&amp;quot;default.redirect&amp;quot; (valid only without global redirection url) Click the following links to append mirrors to the file &amp;quot;default.redirect&amp;quot;:
google recaptcha mirror
Each line of the file &amp;quot;default.</description>