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  <h1 class="title">Toolbar customization
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  <p>If subfolder &quot;icon&quot; exists, then files named as &quot;0&quot;,&quot;1&quot;,&quot;2&quot;...<br>
are used for icons in the bottom toolbar. file &quot;0&quot; to replace the left arrow button, &quot;1&quot; for right arrow button, &quot;2&quot; for the setting button,&quot;3&quot; for the home screen button,...</p>
<p>If a new button is defined (file name &quot;20&quot; exists), uweb also supports VectorDrawable with &quot;android compiled XML&quot; format. All icon files must be either all compiled VectorDrawables or common image formats.</p>
<p>Note: The refresh and tab manager button can not be redefined.</p>

<p>Last Modified: 1 November 2022<br>
add flg for not following sys night mode<br>
